Hi Everyone!
Welcome to this week’s workout schedule! This is a fantastic program to work your entire body. This week we are focusing on sculpting, strength, cardio and flexibility for a well rounded fitness program. To maximize your overall health and wellness, it’s important to incorporate strengthening, cardiovascular exercise, and stretching.
I included exercises with a little extra glute training this week, because the large muscles of your lower body do an excellent job at increasing the overall burn of your workout.
Most of the workouts this week are body weight exercises. I also incorporated some dumbbells for resistance training/building strength, and a stability ball to challenge your muscles. If you don’t have a stability ball you can substitute this 10-Minute Standing Abs Workout.
Remember, you don’t need a ton of equipment to get in a great workout! There is always a way to modify the program to fit what you have at home.
Nutrition goals: This week focus on adding more vegetables to your plate. Aim for half of your meals to be made up of vegetables. The more variety in colors, the more nutrients you are taking in. Don’t forget to stay hydrated, it helps optimize your brain and body, and it can reduce over-eating.
Have fun with this week’s workouts! Be sure to check-in throughout the week. It will help you stay on track and be accountable for sticking to your workouts. 💪🏼 I love to hear about your progress, and how many workouts you get in during the week.

At the Out of the Darkness Walk
One of my goals for this week is to film some new workouts for next week’s workout schedule. I will also be posting my own check-in photos throughout the week.
Thanks for working out with me! Have fun this week, and let me know which workout is your favorite! You can follow along with the workout video playlist above, or the individual workout breakdowns below.
❤ Melissa
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
For my non-fitness related posts, I am on Instagram as @Melissa_Bender_Life
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can stay free and sustainable, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
Day 1:
Leg, Butt & Thigh Shaping Workout: 30 Minute Home Exercise Program
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
20-Minute Boot Camp: Full Body Workout (No Equipment)-Fat Burning Workout
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Rest Day!
how do I make a donation to you? Really love your workouts! But I don’t see where/how on your site to send a contribution to bender fitness.