Good Morning Everyone!
I hope you’re ready to sculpt your Lower Body & Core today! There are two workout videos, so be sure to scroll down so you see them both.
The first video is a workout tutorial. This workout is focused on Sculpting your Butt, Thighs and Legs. One round of the workout took me 53-minutes to complete the Advanced repetition level. I really paced myself so I could monitor how I was feeling throughout the workout. I am currently 18-Weeks pregnant and in the video you can see that my baby bump suddenly really popped out! I actually filmed both of these workouts during my pregnancy, but the core workout was filmed earlier on.
For the lower body workout, there are three levels for reps, so choose the level that is right for you. If you are going with lighter weights you may be able to increase the reps. I used two 20-lb dumbbells when I went through the workout.
The second video is a Low Impact 12-Minute Core Sculpt. This workout is focused on working your entire midsection. This routine will work your abs from every angle-front, sides and back. It is designed to help strengthen and tighten your mid-section. I also incorporated movements to work your lower back, and upper glutes, because maintaining strength/balance in this area significantly impacts the results you are going to get in your midsection. A strong back helps you maintain alignment through your hips, and improves your posture.
During core exercises you should focus on keeping the core strong and engaged the entire time. You can do this by pulling your stomach muscles in & keeping them tight. You should still be able to breath, but engaging your core in this way will work your transverse abs. You can think of the transverse abs as an internal corset. They work across your midsection, horizontally, and act as an internal corset, pulling your waist in.
You can see in the picture above, that the muscle fibers in each muscle group of your core move in different directions. This is why it is so important to work in each plane of movement (horizontally, vertically & twisting) to engage each section of the core and maximize your results.
Have fun with today’s workouts! See you soon!

Just a few days ago! I think my bump has grown!
Grab a timer and see how quickly you can get through this workout!
Beginner: 10 Reps Per Exercise
Intermediate: 15 Reps Per Exercise
Advanced: 20 Reps Per Exercise
Equipment: 2 Dumbbells, Chair, Jump Rope (substitute high knees or cardio of choice if you don’t have a jump rope).
- 60-Seconds Jump Rope or 150 Jumps
- Warrior Deadlift-Right
- Warrior Deadlift-Left
- 60-Seconds High Knees Jump Rope or 150 Jumps
- Single Leg Squat/Leg Abduction-Right
- Single Leg Squat/Leg Abduction-Left
- 60-Seconds Jump Rope or 150 Jumps
- Sit to Stand-Right
- Sit to Stand-Left
- 60-Seconds High Knees Jump Rope or 150 Jumps
- Runner’s Lunge Lift-Right
- Runner’s Lunge Lift-Left
- Romanian Deadlift
- 60-Seconds Jump Rope or 150 Jumps
- In/Out Squat Jump
- Plie Squat Press
- 60-Seconds High Knees Jump Rope or 150 Jumps
- Squat Walk-Right
- Squat Walk-Left
- 60-Seconds Jump Rope or 150 Jumps

Jump Rope

Warrior Deadlift: Part 1

Warrior Deadlift: Part 2

Single Leg Squat/Leg Abduction: Part 1

Single Leg Squat/Leg Abduction: Part 2

Sit to Stand: Part 1

Sit to Stand: Part 2

Runner’s Lunge Lift: Part 1

Runner’s Lunge Lift: Part 2

In/Out Squat Jump: Part 1

In/Out Squat Jump: Part 2

Romanian Deadlift: Part 1

Romanian Deadlift: Part 2

Plie Squat Press: Part 1

Plie Squat Press: Part 2

Squat Walk: Part 1

Squat Walk: Part 2
Intervals: 12 Rounds of 10/50.
Beginner: 10 Reps
Intermediate: 15 Reps
Advanced: 20 Reps
- Knee Plank Series (right)
- Knee Plank Series (left)
- Temple Tap Abs
- Hip Drop Side Plank (right)
- Hip Drop Side Plank (left)
- Cobra Lift
- Rainbow Plank (right)
- Rainbow Plank (left)
- V-Up
- Side Plank Leg Series (right)
- Side Plank Leg Series (left)
- Reverse Plank Leg Lift
Repeat 1-3X (Photo Tutorial Below)
Optional: Pair with 10-30 Minutes of Cardio.
I def prefer follow alongs to tutorials …. oh well I understand …. I still completed though and sweated on my own … thanks Melissa!
The top routine, the legs, is my favorite of your lower body routines since “Improve Your Rear View Workout”. I did 1x thru & then the arms set posted yesterday.
Melissa, I loved these routines. I put them together into a combo workout. Did one move for the legs with weights, then cardio, then an abs exercise. It was great. Thank you.
I am so delighted to hear you are expecting. You and your hubby definitely have a lot to offer a little one! Your workouts kept me in great shape during my first pregnancy. I ended up having an emergency C-section and because my core was so strong I was off pain meds after 5 days and briskly walking my dogs within 2 weeks. Unfortunately during my second pregnancy I had to be a little more conservative with exercise but managed to get back to shape 4 months after. Enjoy the nuances of your first pregnancy, it’s an exciting time! Your going to look adorable with a little belly:)
Thank you so much! 😀 It’s nice to hear from you again!
Melissa you look great!
Loved the lower body workout! I ended up doing 4 rounds (1 as above 60 seconds and 20 reps, 2nd round was 45 seconds and 15 reps, 3rd was 30 seconds and 10 reps and last 15 seconds and 5 reps). That was 2 days ago and i still have doms
Hello Melissa,
Congratulations on your growing family 🙂 I’m happy for you and enjoy following your growing bump 🙂
I’ve been exercising regularly for many years, mostly in classes. Occassionally I do your workouts at home, (or watch your workout and call that good, ha ha ha). You inspire me and I enjoy working out with you. Your workouts always challenge me, more than most gym classes. Your workouts are so convenient! There is so much to chose from like a kid in a candy store. I wonder what I will pick today?
Thank you for your generosity Melissa, it is truly remarkable.
God bless you,
Wow! I complete the leg workout ( the one where your 18 week pregnant). I only completed one round without cardio and I was dying and I’m not pregnant. I did the ab workout that followed. I have a hard time doing reverse plank and keeping my hips up. what do I need to strengthen to be able to complete these with better form?