Hello Everyone!
Welcome to this week’s workout schedule! Below you will find each full length workout video for our schedule this week, as well as a link to the full workout breakdown and photo tutorial.
If you have a second, please let me know in the comments if you prefer having just the video, or the full workout breakdown link available.
We have six No Equipment workouts on the planner this week. All you need is a little bit of space and a yoga mat and you’re good to go. Be sure to stay hydrated and support your health with some deliciously, healthy food choices this week.

The image above is a delicious Veggie Wrap. This is one of my go-to easy meals for days when I want to get in plenty of nutrients but I don’t want to spend a lot of time cooking. You can add different veggies or throw in some shrimp or chicken if you want more protein.
Tonight I used: red onion, garlic, red and yellow peppers, baby Bella mushrooms, and spinach. I sautéed everything in extra virgin olive oil and a dash of Worcestershire sauce. I wrapped everything with a garden vegetable wrap with roasted red pepper hummus and a slice of provolone cheese. Simple, but delicious!
During this week’s workout schedule be sure to listen to your body. If you need an extra rest day, that’s fine. Just add an extra day and extend your workout week.
Have fun this week and take some time to celebrate how much your body is capable of. Showing up for these workouts takes physical and mental dedication. I hope you recognize your own strength.
See you soon with new workouts,
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can keep bringing you new workouts, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Workout #1: 30-Minute Full Body Workout with Cool Down Stretch:
Lateral Stretch to Elbow: Right
Lateral Stretch to Elbow: Left
Knee to Chest Squat: Right
Knee to Chest Squat: Left
Leg Extension to Elevated Squeeze: Right
Leg Extension to Elevated Squeeze: Left
Monkey (Pike) Pushup
Beast Rotation: Right
Beast Rotation: Left
Reverse Table Squeeze/Stretch: Right
Reverse Table Squeeze/Stretch: Left
Tricep Push-up: Right
Tricep Push-up: Left
Temple Tap Abs
Single Leg Reach: Right
Single Leg Reach: Left
Prone Scapular Glide
Prone Heel Press
Hip/Elbow Tap: Right
Hip/Elbow Tap: Left
Cool Down Stretch
Workout 2: 20-Minute Full Body Workout with Jesse
2. Breakdance Donkey
3.Leg Lift Reach Through
4. Rolling Side V-Up
5. Mountain Pushups
6. Spirit Finger Squat
7. Punch Combo: Right
8. Punch Combo: Left
9. Wood Chopper Knee: Right
10. Wood Chopper Knee: Left
11. Lateral Jumps
12. Lunge Hop: Right
13. Lunge Hop: Left
14. Surfer
Workout 3: Cardio Core HIIT + Power Yoga and Cool Down
1. Plié Twist and Tap-Right
2. Plié Twist and Tap-Left
3. Warrior III Pulse & Squeeze-Right
4. Warrior III Pulse & Squeeze-Left
5. Goddess Tap
6. Rock the Boat
7. Russian Twist
8. Plank Jack
9. Rotating Push-up
10. Heel Lift Plank
11. Temple Tap Abs
12. Reverse Plank Step
13. Side Plank Reach-Right
14. Side Plank Reach-Left
15. Angel Abs
Continue with Power Yoga by Sean Vigue.
Workout 4: 30-Minute Total Body Workout with Cardio:
Speed Skaters
3-Point Forearm Plank Taps
Reverse Plank Hip Taps
5-Star Froggers (Frogger to Superman)
Kneeling Leg Lift to Runner’s Lunge: Right
Kneeling Leg Lift to Runner’s Lunge: Left
Cat Bow/Knee to Nose: Right
Cat Bow/Knee to Nose: Left
Rotating Chair Pose
Warrior III Pulse: Right
Warrior III Pulse: Left
Staggered Leg Hip Tilt: Right
Staggered Leg Hip Tilt: Left
Frogger Forward/Back Burpees
Down Dog to Dolphin
Crossed Leg Lifts
Single Leg Glute Bridge: Right
Single Leg Glute Bridge: Left
Thoracic Reach Through
Prone Cross Step
Workout 5: Lower Body, Apartment Friendly, No Jumping Low Impact Workout
Goddess Lift: Left
Clam Lift: Right
Clam Lift: Left
Leg Thread Glute Bridge: Right
Leg Thread Glute Bridge: Left
Crescent Heel Press: Right
Crescent Heel Press: Left
Warrior III Pulse: Right
Warrior III Pulse: Left
Standing External Rotation: Right
Standing External Rotation: Left
Half Moon Pulse: Right
Half Moon Pulse: Left
Chair Balance Heel Pulse: Right
Chair Balance Heel Pulse: Left
Repeat for up to three rounds.
Workout 6:
Section 1: *My interval timer setting got messed up, and the timer stopped before the last interval stick with me in the video and get in your lunge jumps. The timer is fixed for the other segments. You will hear occasional baby noises from my daughter from behind the camera.
Section 1:
High Knees
Squat Jump
Lateral Hop
Lunge Jump
High Knees
Squat Jump
Lateral Hop
Lunge Jump
Section 2:
Bear Crawls
Pop Ups
Sit Thru
Bear Crawls
Pop Ups
Sit Thru
Section 3:
High Knees
Low Jacks
Warrior III Hop: Right
Warrior III Hop: Left
High Knees
Low Jacks
Warrior III Hop: Right
Warrior III Hop: Left
Section 4:
Russian Kicks
Mountain Climbers
Plank Jack
Russian Kicks
Mountain Climbers
Plank Jack
Section 5:
Side Gorilla
Sit Thru Pulse: Right
Sit Thru Pulse: Left
Front Gorilla
Side Gorilla
Sit Thru Pulse: Right
Sit Thru Pulse: Left
Front Gorilla
Great job!
Thank you so much for all you do for home fitness, Melissa! Its always nice when you’ve done the scheduling for me and removed the planning hurdle for the week 🙂
I definitely like having the workout breakdown as well as the videos. I love following along real time but also follow the breakdown on my own if I want a different format (like reps vs timed, cutting out/down on cardio bursts between exercises when I’m short on time, etc). Its also nice to see all the exercises to decide if I want weight handy and how much, even if I do plan to follow along with the video.
So awesome! Love the meal ideas, too. Thank you for this!
Hello Melissa,
I have just experienced exactly what you said: “showing up for these workouts takes physical and mental dedication”.
This one-week planner (six days back-to-back) was not easy, but it’s worth it. It produces the expected and desired results without running into any kind of overtraining or injury.
Thank you for your great kindness in sharing it!
Hi Melissa!
Personally, I love having the breakdown of the workout as well as the video. 🙂
Hey Melissa!
You asked us to share if we are okay with just the video or the breakdown, too!
I really like to see the breakdown beforehand, especially when I write down my workout plan for the week, it’s really helpful to see what kind of torturous exercises will be ahead or if i will opt for another workout instead 😉
So yeah: Breakdown is greatly appreciated, I skip the tutorial pictures tho, since you’re such a good instructor, anyone can easily understand the exercises during the video.
Much Love to you!!
Hi Melissa,
I love your workouts! Thank you for the inspiration. Lately, however, I have had some knee pain with single leg squats. I wonder if there are substitutions or better yet, stretches to help.
Thank you!
This is a stretch for splits, but it’s great for the lower body: https://www.benderfitness.com/2015/02/stretches-to-improve-flexibility-for-splits-with-photos-and-video.html
Pay attention to which part of your knee you are feeling tightness in. The top of the knee would be more quadriceps related, vs bottom would be shins. That can help you to target those areas for strength and stretching.
Thank you for posting these workouts! I do enjoy having the exercise breakdown below the video. I do sometimes need to modify so it helps me to know ahead of time. Or if maybe I should wait on a particular video and do another video that day. The meal idea looks great. I’m going to work it into my meal plan this coming week.