Hello Everyone!
Welcome to today’s workout! This is a fantastic, full body workout that had me dripping sweat by the end. I used dumbbells for most of the exercises, but every exercise can also be performed with body weight. Choose the option that is challenging for you.
This standing workout routine will only take 15-Minutes per round. I got in one round and paired it with a 15-minute Ab routine. If you want to do the same you can find some great Core Workouts HERE.

Pre-workout selfie, before the sweat.
When you workout, focus on the movement and the mind body connection. It’s important to understand how your body is moving, how each exercise feels and to focus on using good form. During the workout video I demonstrate several modifications for some of the exercises.
Remember, modifications are there to help you get the most out of your workout. You should choose the option that challenges you without sacrificing form or causing pain.
Sometimes people get into the mindset that a modification is “easier” but the purpose isn’t to be easy. It’s to be the appropriate level of challenge for where you are right now.
Running Shoes:
I always get a lot of questions about my shoes. Jesse and I both LOVE our Brooks Glycerin Running Shoes. They are great for neutral runners, and have a new stability option. If you are new to looking for quality running shoes I recommend getting into a store and having them analyze your stride and shoe wear pattern. So bring in the shoes you are currently running in. The bottom of the shoes tell a story about how you run, and how your feet strike the ground.
Don’t Forget to Have Fun:
Movement should be fun. Don’t be afraid to incorporate activities that you enjoy: biking, hiking, climbing, family walks. It doesn’t have to be high intensity to count. I personally love to get in a quick, intense workout, but I also enjoy going for family walks while my kids ride their bikes, horse back riding, and practicing hand stands. I worry less about looking a certain way, and more about feeling strong, healthy and happy. I find working out for those reasons to be very motivating and personally rewarding. Your reasons might be entirely different, and that’s okay! Knowing what motivates you to keep showing up can be a powerful tool.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout. I would love to know if you had a favorite move, or an exercise that you found especially challenging. If you post a post workout selfie, feel free to tag me in it so I can cheer you on.
See you soon with a new workout,
More Workouts & Link to make a Donation: https://linktr.ee/BenderFitness
Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/benderfitness
The Workout:
Set Interval Timer for 15 Rounds of 10/50.
- Squat Kick: Alternating
- Squat Rotation Hop: Alternating
- Warrior III: Right
- Warrior III: Left
- Lateral to Reverse Lunge: Right
- Lateral to Reverse Lunge: Left
- Front Kick Twist: Right
- Front Kick Twist: Left
- Chair Pose Twist
- Flat Back Stand
- Arm Cactus
- Overhead Reach to Squeeze
- Knee Tap Reach: Right
- Knee Tap Reach: Left
- Pendulum with Fly
Repeat 1-3X (I did one round + a 15-Minute Core Workout)
Photo Tutorial:

My reason to workout is mostly to stay healthy and get stronger.
But also because I really enjoy it!
How is the app going? Do you have news?
It’s coming along well! I have 13 new workouts filmed and edited, plus seven journal prompts posted already. Seven workouts and two more journal prompts to finish getting posted, and the first new challenge series will be ready to go. <3 Trying to finish it up over the next couple of days.
My membership site is active! You can find it at http://www.MelissaBenderFitness.com <3