Hello Everyone!
Today’s workout is a Total Body exercise routine. The full workout will take 40-minutes and incorporates strength exercises with cardio movements to improve your overall fitness as well as your cardiovascular endurance and efficiency. This workout is from Week 2 of my Total Body Sculpt + 1-Mile Run Workout series. You can find the additional workouts here: https://www.benderfitness.com/2020/06/fit-and-fun-summer-run-body-sculpt-workout-challenge-week-2.html
You will find the workout video and full breakdown list of exercises below. I incorporate two plyometric exercises, but this can easily be adjusted to be a low impact/non-jumping workout routine.
In order to make this routine low impact you will need to adjust two exercises: Froggers and Long Jump. Both exercises can be done with stepping instead of jumping. Remember, there is always a way to modify a workout to suit your needs.

Small acts of kindness can go a long way and have a significant impact on someone else’s day. Plus, it will make you feel amazing too.
I firmly believe that health is not only a physical journey, but also a mental, emotional and spiritual journey as well. When we find balance in each of these areas is when we feel our best.
Wishing you a beautiful day, and I hope you enjoy today’s workout.
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can keep bringing you new workouts, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.

The Workout:
*In the video I say this is all low impact, however there are two plyometric moves: Froggers and a Long Jump, to make this workout low impact step into froggers instead of jumping, and Step instead of jumping for the long jump.
1. Sumo Squat
2. In/Out Squat
3. Baby Bear Crawl
4. Superman
5. Rotating Push-up
6. Walk the Plank + 7 Froggers
7. Reverse Lunge to Long Jump
8. Plank Crunch
9. Side Plank Reach: Right
10. Side Plank Reach: Left
11. Plank Knee Twist
12. Squat to Side Leg Lift: Right
13. Squat to Side Leg Lift
14. Plié Squeeze to Lift
15. Single Leg Toe Tap Squeeze: Right
16. Single Leg Toe Tap Squeeze: Left
17. Burpees
18. Foot Slide Squat: Right
19. Foot Slide Squat: Left
20. T-Sit Reach
21. Hydrant: Right
22. Hydrant: Left
23. Beast (pulse optional)
24. Goddess Twist: Right
25. Goddess Twist: Left
26. Warrior III: Right
27. Warrior III: Left
28. Chair Calf Raise

You and your Fam are definitely my reason I still believe in Good People, Melissa! You guys are rocking! ♥️