Hello Everyone,
Welcome to today’s workout and the start of a brand new year. As I write this, it is the first day of 2022. I have no idea what the year ahead will bring, a fact that has been emphasized by the craziness of the last two years.
I found 2021 more challenging than I did 2020, however, there was also a lot of beauty and lessons that I learned over the last year. There is something about a brand new year that makes me feel reflective. I haven’t solidified any intentions for the year ahead, other than getting back to blogging and BenderFitness with more consistency. My life and work over the last year really put my training and blogging on the back burner. Sharing here is so important to me though, and I missed it deeply.
Some of the lessons that I am carrying over into the New Year:
- If you do everything without accepting any help you will wear yourself out physically and mentally. You don’t have to carry every load without rest if you have a support system who is willing and eager to help. (Some people don’t have a support system at all and that is an entirely different story).
- Pay attention to those who reach out to you when you are in need. Sometimes those who make the effort will surprise you, and those who don’t will shock you. There is a lesson in both.
- Do something or learn something for no reason other than that it brings you joy.
- Show and tell the people you love how you feel.
There are a lot of things that I want and need to focus on this year when it comes to achievements and checking things off of my To Do list. I feel like I need to get my mental energy in the right place to be successful with these endeavors. My physical and mental energy are very linked, so I am going to start by focusing on daily movement and getting back into a routine. My baby is in a phase where she wants to be touching me 100% of the time so getting in movement often takes conscious effort and intention on my part. She gets her own yoga mat and often becomes an active participant in my workouts.

Today’s Workout
Today’s exercise routine requires no equipment, and is a great Total Body Workout. You will find the full length video breakdown below (a quick, stretching cool down is included in the video). You will also see the photo tutorial. I included some directions for low impact alternatives during the video, but if you have questions don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below.
I did one round of this workout and followed it with a 1-mile run on the treadmill. Running is something that I love, but haven’t had enough time to participate in consistently. I plan to add some short 1-mile runs into my routines to get back into the running habit and re-build some speed.

So Tell Me…
Are you setting goals for yourself to start the new year? I would love to hear them! I find it useful to make a list of habits that I am leaving behind, as well as things I would like to add into my life for the new year. When I finish my list I will be sure to share it.
Have a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoy this workout!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can keep bringing you new workouts, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.

15 Minute Total Body Interval Workout- No Equipment exercises you can do anywhere.
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Open Hip Heel Press: Right
3. Open Hip Heel Press: Left
4. Burpee Front Kick
5. Lunge Jump
6. Reverse Plank Leg Lift
7. Elbow Tap Side Plank: Right
8. Elbow Tap Side Plank: Left
9. Leg Circle Abs: Right
10. Leg Circle Abs: Left
11. Half Sit Thru: Right
12. Half Sit Thru: Left
13. Pendulum Hops
14. Crab Toe Touch: Right
15. Crab Toe Touch: Left
Repeat or Cool Down
*Always consult a doctor before starting a new exercise program.
Jumping Jacks Open Hip Heel Press: Part 1 Open Hip Heel Press: Part 2 Burpee Front Kick Burpee Front Kick Burpee Front Kick Burpee Front Kick Lunge Jump Lunge Jump Reverse Plank Leg Lift Reverse Plank Leg Lift Elbow Tap Side Plank Elbow Tap Side Plank Leg Circle Abs Half Sit Thru Half Sit Thru Pendulum Hops Pendulum Hops Crab Toe Touch Crab Toe Touch
I can’t wait to do this one! Thinking of possibly adding some jump rope as 30 second cardio in between moves for a Round 2!
Here’s to a happy & healthy 2022!
That would be a great addition!
Perfect amount of intensity with shorter time! Finishing with a quick 10 minutes on the treadmill and done for the morning. Thanks!
Loved it…missed you in action…pls keep the workouts coming…❤️❤️