Hi Everyone!
Welcome to Workout #1 in my Fall Reset Workout Challenge. You will find the workout video and photo tutorial below.
Over the last few weeks my energy and motivation have waned. I felt myself growing more tired and struggled to get in my workouts. I haven’t been feeling my best physically, mentally or emotionally. So I decided that it’s time for a change.
This workout challenge is going to incorporate exercise, meditation and meal ideas. I recommend downloading the Insight Timer app. It’s a free meditation app with a large variety of meditations.
Today’s workout requires no equipment. For this workout program we are going to focus on short workouts. One of the keys to a successful exercise reset is to start with something that is easy to fit into your life. One round of today’s workout will take 15-minutes. You will be able to make time for a 15-minute workout. Of course, you have the option of repeating the workout for a longer, more intense exercise session.
During this challenge I want to you pay attention to the way exercise, nutrition and meditation makes you feel. You can use a journal, or make notes on your phone or calendar. Jot down what you did and note the impact it has on your mood and energy.
Our goal during this challenge is to achieve a mind, body and energy reset so that we feel better in all aspects of our lives.
Meal Ideas:
We have two soup recipes to start the week off right and keep us warm this fall season. Both recipes will provide meals for a few days, and are easy to freeze.
The first recipe is courtesy of Rose Bruno Bailey. She will be sharing Vegan recipes with us once per week for #MeatlessMonday
You can find her Split Pea Soup and Bruschetta Recipe here:
You will also find my Ginger Chicken Broth Bowl Recipe here:
Have fun! Let me know if you’re in for the challenge and what your goals are. I look forward to seeing your check-ins and comments.
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can keep bringing you new workouts, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Interval Timer: 15 Rounds of 10/50
- High Knees
- Jumping Jacks
- Fan Kick Lunge: Right
- Fan Kick Lunge: Left
- In/Out Squat with Pulse
- Burpee Cross Kick
- Pendulum Hop: Right
- Pendulum Hop: Left
- Warrior III Hop: Right
- Warrior III Hop: Left
- Mountain Climbers
- Side Plank Heel Reach: Right
- Side Plank Heel Reach: Left
- Boat V: Right
- Boat V: Left
You can complete up to three rounds of this workout.

I’m going to do this and modify what I can’t do. So ready for this challenge and my weigh in today.
I know you aren’t a fan of lunges. You can substitute a ballet attitude derrière for the lunges, and still bring it through for the fan kick.
I’m excited for your check in post! I want to hear what you think of the workout.
I always feel the endorphins after these workouts! Thank You for your transparency and honesty. I’m struggling too!
Ready to Starr this chalenge with you!!!
Excellent! I’m excited you’re joining us!
I love the new boat V!
Ready to start this chalenge with you!!!
I did one of your tabata workouts Saturday…whew wee am I a little sore…but feels so good. Your tabata workout had done live, and I was wondering if you would do anymore live videos?
Thanks for all that you and your husband do, it’s inspiring, and I for one appreciate it.
Have a great Monday and week!
Those hops were intense!
Ready for a reset! I will be joining in.
Hi Melissa,
Doing this challenge with you. Just completed Workout #1 this am
It felt awesome! Keep em coming.
Thank you so much for this challenge! I have been in slump and part of my problem is I don’t have much time to dedicate, but I feel like this is what helps me the most. So the hard 15 min work out makes me feel so happy that I actually feel like a did a long work out!! Thank you.
You’re welcome!
This was awesome!
I truly need this challenge to get back in my own groove! I completed the workout one time through with you and one time for reps!
Love this one! Thank you for sharing your state of mind with us. I hope we do a good job communicating our appreciation and how much you make our lives better. I always feel like you push to get extra out of every exercise and even though I feel great after any workout, I feel even more accomplished after working out with you.
Thank you so much. Your comment added joy to my day. ♥️
Thank you for this. I love the variety of exercises and I love that the total workout time is short! I lost my husband earlier this year and now that the holidays are approaching, I’m starting to get down again. I have 3 young children and it’s hard to find time to work out, but if the work outs are short and intense, I can fit them in and feel like I’m making progress with fitness goals. I’ve followed you off and on for a few years. So glad you’re doing this Fall challenge. I felt great right after this work out.
Hi Melissa. Loved it all!!!
I’m a bit behind with the workouts but wanted to start at dY 1. I also have been in the slums and always felt better working out.
Loved the hip extension hops
Loved the boat -v ups at the end…… loved it all!!! My favourite parts were the little cues and giggles in the back ground. Reminds me when my boys were babies.