Hi Everyone!
Welcome to Reset Workout #10 and #11. Workout #10 is focused on the Core, and Workout #11 will strengthen your Lower Body. Both workout videos and breakdowns are below.
These are both throwback workouts. I had a ton of work to catch up on this weekend, so I wasn’t able to film anything new yet. There will be new workouts for this week, but I won’t be able to film until tomorrow. I am struggling with the need to find more waking hours, while also getting enough sleep. I’m sure that’s a struggle that is familiar to many.
The Excuses and How to Get Past Them:

So here are all of the excuses: When I wake up earlier, one or both kids wakes up earlier. The room that I film workouts in is on the same floor as the bedrooms in our house, so when the kids are in bed I can’t film. Tonight I teach two kinesiology classes, so the evening isn’t an option. Bottom line, I’m still going to make it happen. I just need to take a hard look at my schedule and figure out the most realistic and consistent filming schedule and stick to it.
This is something we should all do to have a successful and consistent workout routine. It isn’t enough to have good intentions. We need to look at our schedule, write ourselves into our planner (your health is worth it) and get it done.
I’m a caretaker. I love caring for my family. I love helping my therapy patients heal, and my college students thrive. Those things help me have purpose. The trick is, when you show love by caring for others it can be easy to forget to save time and show love for yourself.
Exercise is not just physical for me. It improves my energy, my stress management and my overall disposition in life. I am a better partner, parent, and human when I exercise. So right now I am adding myself to my list of priorities. When I do that it helps me to function better in all of my other life roles.
If you are like me, and have been struggling with time management to fit in all of your obligations take a good hard look at your schedule. Figure out how much time you have to get in your workouts, identify which days are best, and treat it like any other appointment that you make happen. Start with 15-Minutes per day. That’s pretty easy to fit in. If the workout I post for the day is longer, pick one of my 15-Minute routines.
I appreciate everyone’s patience and kindness as I figure this out. My goal is to get back to filming three new workouts per week on a consistent basis.
Maverick’s Challenge:

I have been doing yoga and/or fun exercise with Maverick each day. Kids health is so important, and with the pandemic we aren’t doing all of the trips and activities we normally do. In a normal year we have season passes to the Science Center, Zoo and Kennywood (our local amusement park). We visit the Children’s Museum, and he normally goes to preschool and has play dates with friends.
None of that is happening right now, so I make sure he is active by having fun exercise sessions or dance parties with him. We do walks and hikes, and we do either Cosmic Yoga or Coach Josh workouts on Amazon Prime. He loves it, and when I do it with him it keeps him interested, because he loves spending time with me.
Yesterday, he got into this extended plank (pictured above) after finishing our yoga session. It’s a challenging pose. So our bonus challenge: hold an extended plank, keeping the core strong. Aim for 30-60 seconds. If that’s too long, build up to it. See how long you can hold it today, and try it 2-3X per week until you can hold it for a longer period of time.
I hope that you enjoy today’s workout, and that you are able to find something useful in my advice. Let me know how you’re feeling with the workouts, and I will see you soon with a new exercise routine.
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can keep bringing you new workouts, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Workout #10:
-Mountain Climbers
1. Supergirl Pushups
-Mountain Climbers
2. Cross Bicycle (right)
-Mountain Climbers
3. Cross Bicycle (left)
-Mountain Climbers
4. Plank Jack
-Mountain Climbers
5. Angel Abs
-Mountain Climbers
6. Boat V-Lift
-Mountain Climbers
7. Temple Tap Abs
-Mountain Climbers
8. Side Plank Front Kick (right)
-Mountain Climbers
9. Side Plank Front Kick (left)
-Mountain Climbers
*50 Second Cool Down
Repeat 1-3X
Optional: Pair with 30 Minutes of Cardio.
Workout #11
Set your timer for 15 Rounds of 10/50.
Grab Dumbbells and a Chair or something sturdy you can place your foot up on.
1. Squat
2. Squatting Calf Raise
3. Pretzel (right)
4. Pretzel (left)
5. Forward Fold Leg Raise (right)
6. Forward Fold Leg Raise (left)
7. Split Squat to Warrior (right)
8. Split Squat to Warrior (left)
9. Butt Lift Squat
10. Hydrant Extension (right)
11. Hydrant Extension (left)
12. Leg Series (right)
13. Leg Series (left)
14. Sit to Stand (right)
15. Sit to Stand (left)
Repeat 1-4X
Optional: Add 30 Minutes Cardio of Choice
Thank you for all that you do. I am a care giver as well. It’s hard to put myself first. But I figured out if I’m going to workout and put myself first I have to get up early like 4:00 am. I work two jobs. Working out is my stress relief and my time for me. But somehow I have to cut it short at times. I love your videos I do your fat burning hitt (20 min) videos called by a 10-15 min video. You will get a good schedule going. It’s hard to find the balance that all of us women have a hard time with at times.
Dear Melissa,
we are your fans and we are all so grateful for the work you & your family put into your blog and everything that comes with it.
You rock and we love you! Also the fact that you’re struggling with always getting in the workouts and enough activity makes you very relatable and it gives us the feeling of not being alone on this journey!
Thank you! <3
I am a certified nurse midwife, mother, wife, queer, strong woman who has been transformed by your encouragement and guidance. Back in January 2020, I considered what my life might look like if I started to regain physical strength. I am still committed to that quest for strength, mental and physical. I want to be an inspiration to my pregnant patients as well as all those I care for, from adolescence through later life. I find woman give up on themselves…sometimes before they have even started!! The culture of perfection has to stop. The beauty standard is unreasonable. Physical and mental strength is amazing and should be celebrated.
Rock on!