Hello Everyone!
Welcome to Body Sculpt Workout #11. This is a fantastic Total Body Routine, that will work all of your muscles and improve you cardio endurance at the same time.
Grab your dumbbells, and a little stool or a chair (something you can safely put one foot up on) and you are ready to go. If you don’t have dumbbells grab something from around the house to add some resistance into the workout or complete the exercises with body weight.
This is an amazing routine for sculpting your arms, legs, and core, while getting a great cardio burn.

During this routine we have one section of repeating Cardio/Large Muscle Burn. Push yourself for maximum repetitions, and don’t worry if you are breathing hard and sweating. On a scale of 0-10 (0 being laying on a couch, and 10 being running from a bear) you want to be working at a level between 8-9.

I was so sweaty during this workout, that I left a full body outline on my yoga mat.

Have fun, and challenge yourself. The difficult things that we do, the times when we push through even though we want to quit, that is when we get stronger.
Let’s keep getting stronger together.
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can keep bringing you new workouts, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Interval Timer: 28 Rounds of 35 seconds Cardio- 50 seconds Max Reps
- Squat
- Split Squat: Right
- Split Squat: Left
- Side Lunge: Right
- Side Lunge: Left
- Surfer
- Russian Kicks
- Burpees
- Lunge Lift: Right
- Lunge Lift: Left
- Table Taps
- Side Plank: Right
- Side Plank: Left
- Angel Abs
- Toe Reach Situp
- Surfer
- Russian Kicks
- Burpees
- Lunge Lift: Right
- Lunge Lift: Left
- Alternating Curl
- Tricep Extension
- Weighted Cactus
- Warrior III Row: Right
- Warrior III Row: Left
- Low Jacks
- Pendulum Squat: Right
- Pendulum Squat: Left

Thanks. This was great, loved the weights and the cardio. I’m noticing such a difference since starting your videos. I’m extending the 40 minutes into an hour by adding in a few more exercises. Such a good workout, thank you!
Excellent workout as always! And yay for weights!! Thanks for all you do. <3
I. Am. Sweatyyyy! ThNks so much Melissa.
That was an amazing workout!! Loved the repetition of exercise moves, loved the weight resistance and loved the 40 minutes. This is my all time favorite. Thanks Melissa!
I absolutely love your workouts. During the stay at home order I have tried a ton of different workout videos but I always come back to yours. You incorporate the entire body with a full 3-40 minutes of heart pumping moves.
Keep up the good work and i pray for HIS blessings over your gifts of helping us be better versions of ourselves
Great workout!!! Dripping sweat!!! Thanks so much!
The cardio seccion made all the diference!!
Thanks Melissa!!
Lots of love form Portugal
I love the equipment you used (childs potty step up). How smart to use whatever is at hand! Thank you Melissa and Congrats on your new addition. It is nice to see you back.
That kicked my butt! Thanks!
Thank You Melissa for this amazing workout. I am a hot sweaty mess. I am still doing your burpee challenge that you did a few years back.
Thank You Melissa ! I had gotten away from your workouts &I realize how much I love the vibe & how I can modify any of them for a knee issue !
I was able to do most and only a few with some modifications ! iI thought at 1/2 way point I couldn’t go on but I did .. This was excellent I feel great. You are inspiring !
So fun! This was a surprising calorie burn and the workout went by so fast. I especially like that you say what the next movement is ahead of time-way less transition time that way. Looking strong, mama! Thank you.
oh gosh, i’m so far behind. doing two today. I have been outside climbing and running, missed an recovery week, and then a busy week… hello muscles. Thank you MB!
Sweaty, truly a river runs off my forehead. I decided to work backward, so will do #10 next. Thank you for such excellent workouts, MB.
Great plan! I’m glad you liked the workout!
I love the repeating cardio section!!
I love using weights too.
Your site , it is truly the best
That workout may have been the toughest one for me so far yet! Loved it!