15 Minute Full Body Toning Workout

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Hi Everyone!

Welcome to today’s Full Body Workout! Are you ready to get in a quick workout for your entire body? Today’s workout is comprised of three sections:

  1. Thigh & Butt Sculpt
    2. Core Sculpt
    3. Arm & Back Sculpt

You can choose to do each section on it’s own by clicking on the links above, or do the full length workout video as it is posted below. Each portion of the workout will take 5-minutes, so total workout time for the full length workout is 15-Minutes per Round.

All you need are two dumbbells, and a chair or other sturdy surface that you can put your foot up on. Breaking the workout up into segments made it much easier for me to film around my son’s napping schedule. Let me know if it makes it easier/more convenient for you to have the shorter workout options in addition to the full length workout. I will be checking the comments for your thoughts!

We are working hard to improve BenderFitness and make our workouts as user friendly as possible! Thanks for working out with us!

PS You can find me on Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest & Twitter: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness
Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1

Buy a Gymboss now. Timer Set for 5 Rounds of 10/50.
Help BenderFitness Get a New Camera: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
*Each Section will take 5 minutes. You can pause the video and grab some water in between sections. * Be sure to have your dumbbells and a chair (or someplace to put your foot during Split Squats) ready for this workout. 

Section 1:
1. Romanian Deadlift
2. Split Squat: Right
3. Split Squat: Left
4. Warrior Deadlift: Right
5. Warrior Deadlift: Left

Section 2:
1. Reverse Plank Step Out
2. Side Plank Reach & Drop: Right
3. Side Plank Reach & Drop: Left
4. Hip Lift Hook
5. Temple Tap Abs

Section 3:
1. Alternating Lunge & Curl
2. Squat & Press
3. Pushup Row: Alternating
4. Runner’s Lunge with Tricep Kickback: Right
5. Runner’s Lunge with Tricep Kickback: Left

Repeat 1-3X

9 thoughts on “15 Minute Full Body Toning Workout

  1. Erin

    I love your workouts! Thank you for all you do. I’m so excited to see the changes. I’m happy you get to stay home with your little guy and pursue your passion!

  2. Anonymous

    I love your workouts I like how you split them up it works for me since I have a toddler! I do have a question on my diet I’m so confused are breads and pasta a no no or is everything okay in moderation?

    • benderfitness

      I believe in moderation. I eat both bread and pasta. I just try to stick to whole grain versions of both. If you are having trouble track your foods and see how you feel with moderate vs low carbs.

  3. Anonymous

    This looks interesting Melissa,can’t wait!! I work out every morning at 4:00am (best time for me) and I’m usually a day behind!! Thank you so much

  4. Katherine

    Adding to my comment yesterday…your workouts are amazing! No matter what kind of workout you do I get so much out of it. I have played sports or worked out since I was little and I have never had the muscle definition I have now. I have realized my body does best with short intense workouts, if I do anymore I just need to eat more and so that defeats the purpose. Your 15-20 minute workouts are great for me. The only thing I would like is if you included a warm up in the workout or made separate warm up videos other than that I like everything you do. I especially like that you have a “workout of the day” it saves me so much time not having to scroll through workouts trying to figure out what I should do that day.
    Once again thanks for providing us with daily, challenging workouts despite your busy life, you are awesome and I appreciate your down to earth personality!

  5. Katherine

    One more thing! I like timed workouts not reps because then I can go as fast or as slow as I want to go. I notice I challenge myself more with a timed workout.

  6. Grace Richards

    A bit of a delayed response but I’m so happy for your decision to stay home with Maverick! It’s one you will not regret. One extra detail that I would love to see on your site is for you to tell us how many times you go through the workout on the day and if you pair it with anything else. I often (before I was pregnant) go off what you say you did for that day when planning my own workouts. Enjoy your new found freedom from work!! Thank you again for all you do xx

  7. Alli

    I’d like more warm-up videos too – I go to other people’s channels for warm-up videos but I’d rather do Bender warm ups. 🙂 What I love most about BenderFitness is the variety and effectiveness. I’ve used all kinds of programs before finding your site and I always got bored and never really got much muscle definition, but I followed you for 3 months now and never get bored and I see muscle definition everywhere. Your workouts work for me, so I’m happily a patreon supporter now. 🙂

    From your workouts, my legs are strong as ever, my abs/core are strong too. I notice when you do arm and shoulder workouts with weights, I’m not as strong there so maybe incorporating more weights for the upper body workouts to help us gain more strength there too. I should probably try your strength bootcamp too now that I think about it. 🙂 Thanks for all you do!! Your workouts have truly changed my entire body!

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