Hi Everyone!
Welcome to today’s workout! This is a fantastic total body workout routine. This workout will strengthen your muscles from every angle, in every plane of motion.
The compound exercises in this routine will recruit muscles in every plane of movement. Be sure to focus on form, while still getting in as many reps as possible during this interval.
Remember to support your workouts with nutrient dense foods, including whole grains and plenty of vegetables. Stay hydrated, and fuel your body to keep yourself feeling happy and healthy.

At the beginning of this year I set a goal for myself to complete a daily meditation. I want this year to be focused on creating a happy and healthy balance physically, mentally and emotionally.
For me that means re-focusing on what I need physically, mentally and emotionally. Exercise, nutrition and meditation are really helping me to find that balance, and to have more energy throughout the day.
Prior to filming today’s workout I was feeling exhausted. My sinuses go crazy at this time of year, and my head was full of pressure. By the end of the workout, I felt great. It’s amazing how much a workout can change your energy and mood.
For those of you who have been following my workouts for a while, you are already familiar with my 5-minute rule. If I am super tired, and really don’t want to do a workout: I give myself permission to quit my workout after 5-minutes.
I have never actually quit after 5-minutes. Sometimes, just getting myself started is the hard part.
I don’t workout if I am super sick (the flu or any type of chest congestion), but my sinuses and the related headache pressure typically respond well to a good workout. Remember, always listen to your body, but this technique can help you push through on the days when working out is mentally challenging.

Have fun and get sweaty! Let me know what you think of this week’s workout routines!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can keep bringing you new workouts, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Interval Timer: 28 Rounds of 10/50
- Lunge to Knee: Right
- Lunge to Knee: Left
- Low Jacks
- Pendulum Squats
- Side Jumps
- Mountain Climbers
- Rock the Boat
- Push-up Holds
- Side Plank Knee Rotation: Right
- Side Plank Knee Rotation: Left
- V-Slip
- 12. Curtsy Lunge
- Burpees
- Beast Reach
- Sit Thru
- Super Swim
- Heel Tap Plank
- Side Plank Frogger
- Reverse Plank Glute Tap
- Cheek to Cheek Plank
- Warrior III Heel Pulse: Right
- Warrior III Heel Pulse: Left
- Plié Lean: Right
- Plié Lean: Left
- Chair Pose Hop
- Hydrant Heel Press: Right
- Hydrant Heel Press: Left
- Plank Press to Dolphin
*Cool Down and Finish with some Stretching

Loved it! Thank you!
Pretty epic, as per usual 🙂 thanks much!
Hard work, I’ve enjoy it so much. Thanks Melissa
Awesome workout with a lot of fun and challenging new exercises! Thanks a lot Melissa & Jesse 🙂
Fabulous new workout!! Loved it.
Hi Melissa!
Great workout! I used to follow you and do your workouts religiously for years. I was in the best shape of my life! The last nine months have been personally very difficult and exercise fell by the wayside, but I am ready to recommit to my physical and mental health. Thank you for helping me along my journey.
A fellow Pittsburgher 🙂
Hi Melissa!
Great workout! I followed you and did your workouts religiously for many years. I was in the best shape of my life! The last nine months have been very difficult for me personally, and exercise fell by the wayside. However, I am ready to recommit to my physical and mental health. Thank you for your workouts and you’re help on this journey.
A fellow Pittsburgher
Life happens, but I’m glad you’re back. Don’t worry too much about missing workouts over the last nine months. You’re showing up now and recommitting and that is what counts. You’ve got this. <3
I made it through it! Great workout.
Wow, I am jello. Amazing workout, thank you so much!!
Great workout!
Just finished this one. Great workout. Loved the new challenging moves!
i cant open your videos anymore, it says I need permission??? How do I get permission?
Are you still having issues? Youtube was having an issue earlier, but I believe the error is fixed now.
Awesome as always! Thank you!!
Thank you so much for this! Fabulous, as always.
Melissa – Where do you get your workout clothes?
The top I am wearing I. This video is from Affitnity. The leggings are from Marshall’s. ☺️
Melissa I have a confession……..I have worked out with you when you first started posting your videos and loved it…………..I have been following you and your little one now in all the social media avenues but now for the past three years have been working out at a local business……resistant band training…….its been good….. as I used to go to it in the early am….BUT I’M BORED AND…….my body is at a stand still and I have been craving your work outs……..time to get my butt in gear and join you…..my body changed so much with you before……and its time to get it back!!! STARTING WITH THIS ONE!!!
Loved the length and variety of this one! Thank you, Melissa!
This is such a great workout! Also, my cat likes to join me on the mat, too 😉
I just live your videos. Been using them for years. Thank you so much Melissa!