Hi Everyone!
I have a brand new Total Body Cardio Fat Burning Workout for you today! This one got me sweaty & was a great challenge for my entire body. The only equipment you need is a chair (or sturdy surface to place your hand on during a Dip Variation).
This workout is actually a re-boot from a workout tutorial I filmed way back in 2012. I posted the original tutorial video below. I did that workout for reps, and didn’t include the cardio bursts that I implemented in the new workout. The first time I did it, I paired it with a 3.6 mile run outside. Pick whichever variation works with your schedule for the day, or do a round of each.
I am making plans for my New Year workout schedule! Do you have any requests, or anything that would help keep you on track? I can do a DietBet Challenge for anyone with Weight Loss goals starting either Thursday January 5th, or for the Month of February (when people start to lose some of the New Year’s Motivation). Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Let’s decide to have a great 2017 together.
I have had a LOT of requests for more meal plan information, so I am working on that. Plus, all of this holiday snacking means that I am in need for a Healthy Eating Re-Boot. Let’s make this journey together this year, and achieve all of the goals we have set for ourselves!
I have a lot of health, life and fitness related topics that I want to write about this year. One of my major goals is to take the time to make that happen. I have a long list of topics that I compiled based on questions people have asked me on Facebook or in the comments. If you have a topic you would like to see me discuss take the time to comment below and let me know what it is.
Have fun with today’s workout! Remember to push yourself through it, challenge yourself to go for more reps, work up a sweat, and get yourself breathing heavy. By challenging ourselves we grow stronger.
See you soon!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps
OR: Interval Style 35 seconds of Cardio, 55 seconds Max Reps
1. Mountain Climbers
2. Lunge Jump
3. Jumping Jacks
4. Dive Bomber/Up-Down Dog
5. High Knees
6. Pendulum Squat
7. Mountain Climbers
8. Oblique V-Up (right)
9. Jumping Jacks
10. Oblique V-Up (left)
11. High Knees
12. Single Leg Tricep Squat (right)
13. Mountain Climbers
14. Single Leg Tricep Squat (left)
15. Jumping Jacks
16. Plank Donkey Kick Side Jump
17. High Knees
18. Plie Jump
19. Mountain Climbers
20. Plank to Toe Walk
Repeat 1-3X
Workout Tutorial:
love love this workout. It kicked my butt. Thanks for all that you do Melissa. Your son is so cute.
I would love a diet challenge for 2017. Love your workouts. I am new to Benderfitness and i have seen great results in my body already. I need some suggestions for low impact cardio that yield fat burn. Thanks for all your workouts, time and expertise.
Wow! Did this new 15 minute Hitt twice and going to treadmill to cool down ! Sweating buckets.
I would love todo a diet bet in February. Love when you post workouts for the week, too.
More info on muscle building! And if you could include a few vegetarian items in your meal plans that would be great, too. 🙂
Awesome workout! Did it twice!!! Love the plank donkey kick side jump. Also I love that you have been posting workout schedules. I have been following them and it’s so much easier for me to get in a workout. Thank you!
Hi Melisa! Great idea of marking in bold every other row of the break down! I’ve been doing your workouts lately with the breakdowns only and with normal and bold fonts will be easier to read what is next in the middle of the workout.
About the diet bet challenge I’d say that in February would be better, as most of us has already all the motivation to start on our own in January :), however the challenge right away would help us to keep on track.
Melissa, I would love more weighted workouts.
Do you think you could do more tabata style workouts like that 4 minute cardio one?
Would love to see a workout a few times per month that focuses on heavier weights that can be paired with a run. Maybe a strictly weighted bar workout. As always, thanks for all you do to make the fitness journey doable and achievable
Today’s workout was another challenging one! I have been doing your workouts for several years, and I really appreciate what you and your husband do. I like your plan to continue to provide recipe ideas and other tips along with new workouts. I generally do 3 rounds of a workout or mix up a few different ones. I am wondering if you have any tips for easing muscle soreness post workout. I always warm-up and do a cool-down plus stretching. I have a foam roller and usually use it for my IT band/hip region. Sometimes I have a hard time with a workout due to the soreness from the previous day! Thanks!
I would like to see more arms with weights workouts. I would also like to hear more about nutrition and supplements. Thank you for all you do! You have been so helpful in keeping me fit for the last 3+years!
I am your fan! Thanks for all your work. Following you for few years for sure. I sometimes have my specific replacement elements, but I am just loving working out with you!!! You are awesome!
Wanted to ask you to add more arm workouts.
Much love!!!
Thank you so much for putting in the work to help all of us succeed! I love to have game plan so loved the weekly break down so I can plan ahead.
I love all of the weighted bar/muscle building workout suggestions; I completely agree! (I really just want your arms…lol!) And YES, yes, yes to meal plan ideas! I always begin strong, but then run out of ideas or they become repetitive.
Can’t wait for the New Year! Thanks, Melissa & Jesse, for ALL you do for us! Hi Maverick! <3
Maybe some workout with equipment. I have a bosu and 30lb medicine ball as gifts.
Hello Melissa, I’m ok for a diet bet challenge! Need to lose weight, but to muscle myself at the same time! and of course dietetic advice are welcome. Thank you Melissa for everything you do for us
I have been reading, watching, listening to everything you have available, or well, alot of your stuff , for a long while, and I have been super interested in it! Also watching, listening, learning, etc, the moderation 365 stuff with Jill Clomen, stuff with ME (Metabolic Effect – Jade Teta) Scott Abel, and similar things….and a few others . . . ., checking it out! I like to be really well informed, and educated, on things, before making any decision! (I need to make one ASAP and get on a plan)
Which, maybe part of my problem, much OCD to be dealt with, perfectionism, and everything else! ANYWAYS!
I am someone overcoming some serious exercise addiction, and need/want for it . . . . I am getting back to a healthy weight, and I do need to build some muscle, etc . . . . I had my dream body and totally, went to far, and dropped some weight, etc. i am trying to get back on my feet. I know mentally, I need the help with learning and dealing with the stress, anxiety, and everything else that comes along with cutting back miles of daily exercise. I have gone from 3 hours a day to 1 + a bit – and I had to take weights out for a bit, as part of this . . . . . . so, i still totally have some mind-set things to over come with “FOOD” and allowing some change, variety, loose the measuring, carb watching, etc. . . . I have a really healthy, tight, diet, but, that being said, I do eat “large” portions, but, a lot of the same things, and there is def, anxiety around new foods, going out, social events, gathering, company…. I completely stall… I pack alot/most of my food everywhere I go, etc, I may not count/track every meal macro every time, but, I have a general idea, and have been doing it for a while, and, then anxiety is def there . . . I SO need to break free of a lot of things with food, and exercise and bondage, etc . . . . And could def use the help/coping strategies to deal with the worry, stress, anxiety that comes with getting that balance! Its become an issue with my whole family now….. started out for pure and honest, wanting/enjoying running, being active, etc, and over the years has turned into a time stealing addictive monster the control my life and freedom. Im cranky, burnt out, tired, grump, and restricted!My biggest GOAL is to have BALANCE. Healthy balance. I know I dont need 2 hours or more everyday, working out, walking, cardio, etc (my workouts used to be long and INTENSE, then, then intensity starting dropping because I was getting so Burt, but, then, they were getting longer, and longer, longer, less intense, less, and lessssss, until I was so tried, I had to drop the weights, and just kept walking more and more, because, me, a runner of years, because so tired, I couldn’t even run anymore!) anyways . . . . like I said, I had my dream body, I wanted to maintain it, and I was SOOOOO scared to drop any time, change to much, eat more, etc, that I might sacrifice my image! What would others say, I would hate me, I want it, I worked hard it, etc, etc . . . I have like NO confidence, NO self esteem, etc, but yet ,,,having this body, that I kept/keep hidden from EVERY ONE (even my husband ) was/is SO important to me . . . SO again, without to much details here and length…. my biggest goal, is finding out what is…. but, finding and doing, what is reasonable and healthy with Diet, and with exercise! Like, honestly, WHAT IS a reasonable amount of time, for a busy mom to have,spend, and do, for a workout Everyday ? How long….and what type/what workouts ?? How do I balance a healthy workout routine, that is reasonable, and not to long, and what is to long, with a healthy diet . . . . I always get SOOOO freaked out, that if I eat the same say “family” meals I cook for everyone else, and have “normal” foods all the time, and have a healthy balance, and this “moderation” and everything, that with shorter workouts, I may as well say good bye to a nice looking/reasonable looking body . . . . I keep thinking there has to be a way to not workout 2,3,+ hours a day, and eat normally/somewhat normally, and still look great ??? i know I need help in this, and its been years of knowing/reading/studying/hearing differently, but, doing it, is SO much harder, then, when I do try it, Ive not stuck to it . . .
Wondering if you can suggest one of “your” or “someone elses” , etc, workout programs, or routine, or route to go, for something like this ? Do you have something you recommend ? Is / are your programs/stuff suitable / good for me/something like this?! I was going to do it, but, the time thing, scares me crazy! But, I know I need change, but, I wonder how much I would freak . . . but , having that much extra time, would be a hard thing to turn down! I was also thinking of your food info, etc, do you offer anything more specific on this, Ill take ANY help, recommendations, suggestions, you give!Books, programs, etc…etc…
Wondering if you could offer some advice, programs, or suggestions, to help me get moving along!
I was also looking at, following, reading,etc. ME, or the treadlift with Jill Colmen, but also, just body, or mostly body weight stuff with yourself (Mellisa Bender) ? and whatever else you post, etc ?? Is this something you recommend ?
There are other things I have seen also like Coach Scott Able/Melissa Bender. I dont know if you are familiar with these, or would recommend them or not!
Ive been looking into Treadlift program, and the moderation 365, and also the Food Boot camp? Are these things you think I would benefit from more, or something you offer? I see/watch and look at your daily workouts, everyday, and keep thinking it looks so great! But, there seems to be something stopping me!? I always wonder if its enough to “maintain”, etc ?
THANKS SO MUCH! I SOOOOOOO look forward to hearing from you!!
To Tiffany—
Check out the books “Intuitive Eating” and “Body Image Workbook.” Both are designed to help you find peace with your body and your diet. I also recommend working with a professional eating recovery coach. Even though it doesn’t sound like you struggle with a more “traditional” eating disorder like bulimia or anorexia, it does sound like you have disordered eating behaviors. The over-exercising fits into this suite of behaviors as well.
Geneen Roth’s book, “Women, Food, and God” could be another powerful resource.
I offer these to you as resources that have helped me on my own path to recovery and achieving self-love, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance. I wish you the best.
Thanks again Team Bender, that was fun!! Happy New Year and look forward to training hard again in 2017 (tomorrow ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Melissa, it’s been almost a year since I found your blog and videos. I’ve have absolutely loved all the resources you’ve provided. I especially liked the weekly routine during December. I’m very interested in following a healthy eating challenge or ideas. The variety in your workouts and your dedication kept me coming back to your blog for more in 2016. I’m ready for a full year in 2017! Thanks!!
I’d love a DietBet Challenge (the sooner the better!). Hope to make 2017 a year of fitness for the whole family so I look forward to reading up on your recipes and nutrition suggestions. Thank you for all you do! And Happy New Year!
Hi Melissa,
I like everything you do. I’m pretty simple with my workout routine these days having kids and I’m going to be starting a job in a few days working Monday thru Friday so I don’t have a lot of time to devote to working out, which is why I love your workouts. They pack a big punch in 15-20 minutes! And the schedule helps me immensely when I need to workout before you’ve posted for the day and it makes finding a workout to do so easy!! I tell everyone about you!!
Can you add me to your email list? I have tried to add myself a couple times but when I type my email address it’s blank as I type.
Thanks! Have a Happy New Year! Blessings in 2017!!
I know you did a workout for diastasis recti, but I would love a workout or 2 where you are doing your normal workout with normal included abs, and then comment about a modification for that ab exercise for someone who has diastasis recti. I love doing your daily workouts but find some of the ab pieces difficult, and not always sure what to substitute for a specific ab part. Thank you!!!
Melissa! 🙂
My new years resolution this year is to follow your workouts and I like getting notifications that there is a new workout you posted. I personally just need to move daily so I can develope my habit. After I establish my habit/daily planned time to workout, I’ll re-evaluate my goals then. 🙂 I’m happy to follow you and your workouts!
Super workout. Thanks for your dedication. Happy 2017 🙂