Hi Everyone!
I hope you’re ready for today’s Lower Body Workout! It’s challenging, but effective! This routine incorporates exercises to work your glutes, thighs and calves. It will work your backside from every angle to strengthen and shape your glutes.
I am still doing my daily Sun Salutations. I posted that video below. I plan on doing 10 Sun Salutations per day throughout this month, and possibly beyond that.
I went through today’s workout 2X. I did the first round HIIT style (as in the video). For the second round I did 20-Reps of each exercise. I like to vary the workout, and I find that HIIT and Reps each provide a unique challenge.
During the Reps portion of my workout I increased my weight on the Romanian Deadlifts to 75-pounds, and decreased the weights during Skier to two 12-pound dumbbells.
I tried something a little bit different with today’s workout. The video below includes the Warm-up and Cool Down in the workout video. I also posted them separately. You can find the individual videos here by clicking on the photos below:
I want your feedback! Do you like having the videos separate so you can repeat the exercises, and combine them with other routines more easily? Or do you like having the warm-up and cool down built in? I see benefits to both techniques. Right now I have posted the videos and blog posts both ways, so I can see which technique people are responding to best.

Gambit helped keep Maverick entertained during Round 2 of my workout. Maverick seems intrigued when I exercise, and watches everything that I do!
I hope you enjoy today’s workout!
PS For anyone who is supporting BenderFitness on Patreon I added some rewards. I will continue to update the rewards as I am able. The new rewards include early access to my workout videos, and for anyone donating $5 and up I will follow you on Instagram as a way of saying Thank You! If you want to help please click here: www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
PPS I am on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Pinterest: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness
Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
***Help BenderFitness Get a New Camera: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness***
Set Your Interval Timer for 5 Rounds of 10/50 for the Warm Up and Cool Down. For the Workout Set your Timer for 12 Rounds of 10/50.
Warm Up:
1. Jog
2. Side Leg Swing
3. Side Leg Swing
4. Head Tap Squat
5. Frankenstein
1. Chair to Squat
2. Hip Press Lift
3. Hip Press Lift
4. Superman
5. Romanian Deadlift
6. Alternating Warrior III
7. Skier
8. Heel Lift Squat
9. Curtsy Lunge
10. Curtsy Lunge
11. Leg Series
12. Leg Series
Cool Down:
1. March in Place
2. Side Lunge Stretch
3. Side Lunge Stretch
4. Back Extension
5. Forward Fold
6. Pigeon Pose
7. Pigeon Pose
I like having the workouts in sections so I can repeat as many times as my daughter will allow 🙂
I love that you included warm up and cool down.
I don’t mind all one video, but I don’t have a little one to tend to. Melissa I love the videos! And I love reading the updates and bits of information. I’m from Canada and someone passed the site to me years ago and I’ve been addicted ever since.
They are a perfect fit to a busy lifestyle where I see results. I honestly don’t know what I would do without it! It helps me feel good and sleep well, I find it makes a huge difference for a stressful career.
Thank you for your consistent giving of your time and expertise!!! 🙂
I also like them separate as I sometimes combine different workouts, also I may do cardio first so I am already warmed up to begin your videos.
Love the separated workouts. It helps me to do the middle as many times as I can without falling out before I do the cool down. Oh and I LOVE the warm up and cool down additions. I was never really sure what to do so I made up my own 🙂 Thanks so much!
i like them separate so that i can repeat the middle section but i love when you link to the warm up and cool down in the same post so that i don’t have to search for it or come up with something on my own. i LOVE this workout – awesome!
This workout format is a nice change, but I really like all of your workouts. I have been following Bender Fitness for years. I frequently will do 1-2 rounds of one workout, then a round or 2 of another to switch it up. I generally do my own warm-up and cool-down with stretching, but it is fun to do it along with you. I am enjoying the changes! Thanks for all you and your husband do!
I love the warm up and cool down included!
I love the warm up and cool down videos also. It might be nice to just have a link at the end of each blog post so I don’t have to go searching for one each time. ( even just the same video would be nice)
love that you included warm up and cool down. Please include this more if possible! thank you so much, I’m a big fan and also think its so cool that you are in PGH! Lived there for 4 years during college <3
It’s hard to say which one I prefer. If I want to be done with just one round of something, then it’s great to have the warmup/hiit/cooldown built in one video. If I wanted to do something more, I could always skip the warmup or cooldown portion of the videos. I appreciate them either way. But if I had to pick, I’d probably like separate warmup videos and cooldown videos.
Also I think there’s 11 Sun Salutations on your 10 Sun Salutations video. I could be wrong, but the OCD-ish me tried to count them twice, and I got 11 both times…not that it’s inconvenient. I’m just curious if anyone else noticed. 🙂
Thank you & much love
Will you continue to post a weekly schedule? I think that is really helpful.
I find it more helpful for the warm up and cool down put in! That way i will not spend time finding one! But either way is good! ☺
I’m loving the additions of the warmup and cool down. I say do whatever is easiest for you in terms of separating or not-separating them from the main workout section. Also grateful you are sharing the number of times you go through it, plus the info on your other activity, so we get the full picture of how active you are. It’s super inspiring. Especially on those days when life and/or the baby decide they have other plans—it’s inspiring and instructive to see how you deal with that and still try to squeeze in some exercise. On that note I’m going to try to squeeze in some sun salutations now before work.
(I redid the Sun Salutations. There are 10! My bad. I love doing them!)
I underestimated this workout. It literally kicked my butt! Did it 2x through. Gonna feel it tomorrow 🙂
I can see I am not the only one loving you added warm ups and cool downs! <3 Love you Benders and congrats on new babay bender.
Did these as separate components (separate for warm-up etc works for me so I can catch up in between – chronic fatigue means I take things a bit slower) this am with leetle weights and am appropriately wobbly 🙂 Will try again with heavier weight next time. Really got my weak spots lower body, which was most excellent!
Thank you!!
Love the included w/u and c/d. If I want to repeat The w/o i do as many times then just f/u with the c/d. That way it ensures that I’m not just going on with my day or stretching for 10 secs and then think that’s sufficient. Hope everyone got my abbreviating
Oh wow..this workout has me sore in all new areas in whole new ways and I love it! I switch off between you and Fitness Blender and I must say this workout was extreme and I really liked the challenging moves and the fact I can switch up how it’s done..this had me sweating and pushing my self for sure! I started first with a 10 min Hiit lower body focused and my lower body is talking to me for sure. Thank you for my awesomely sore muscles! Stay Strong!
P.S. Beautiful family! You are blessed! Thank you for helping me to stay and get fit! I look forward to working out with you again!
Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed the workout! <3