Hi Everyone!
I hope you’re ready for today’s workout! It’s quick, but very effective. One round of this workout takes 15 minutes, but it can be repeated up to 3X. This is a very dynamic routine, with plenty of kicking, punching and jumping. As with all of your workouts you get out, what you put in. So focus on form, and committing to the full range of motion for each movement. Listen to your body, but push yourself through the workout.
Jesse and I were out of town for the weekend, and I couldn’t get my computer connected to the internet in our hotel! It threw off my plans for weekend posting, but I did share links to two workouts on my Facebook page over the weekend.
Workout 1: Ultimate Body Weight Workout
Workout 2: 19-Minute HIIT Fat Burning Workout
We had a great trip. Maverick handled the car ride, hotel stay, and eating in restaurants like a champ. I can’t believe he is 4-weeks old today!
A few things you may not know about me, I am obsessed with elephants, I love coffee, and I am a total Comic Book/Superhero Nerd. Our trip was to the Columbus Comicon. Everyone was so nice to us and raved about Maverick & we had a lot of fun. We met Ian Somerholder from Vampire Diaries (I loved the books way back in the day when they originally came out & I am hooked on the show now), Amy Jo Johnson (the original Pink Power Ranger), and Kevin Sorbo (Hercules) came up to us to talk to us about how cute Maverick is.

Maverick’s First Comicon.
One of the highlights of the show was running into one of our BenderFitness workout buddies!
As a reminder, my new workout program with all new workout videos is scheduled to start on Sunday August 21st. On Monday August 22nd, my new DietBet challenge is starting: www.dietbet.com/BenderFitness. It’s a weight loss challenge where you bet $25 that you can lose 4% of your body weight in 4-weeks. To figure out 4% of your body weight you multiple your current weight by .04, and that is the amount you would be aiming to lose. All of the bets are put in a pot, and the money is split by the winners (everyone who hits the 4% goal) at the end of the game.
I hope you guys enjoy today’s workout! I can’t wait to be physically working out with you again, instead of just in spirit!
Equipment: Gymboss Interval Timer set for 15 rounds of 10/50
10 Reps Beginner
15 Reps Intermediate
20 Reps Advanced
1. Hop Side Kick (right)
2. Hop Side Kick (left)
3. Side Lunge Punch
4. Round Kick (right)
5. Round Kick (left)
6. Uppercut Squat Jump
7. Table Kick (right)
8. Table Kick (left)
9. Side Lunge Punch
10. Jump Kick (right)
11. Jump Kick (left)
12. Uppercut Squat Jump
13. Lunge Kick (right)
14. Lunge Kick (left)
15. Side Lunge Punch
Repeat 1-3X
Love this workout and your post! I feel like you need a sweet baby carrier to add to your wardrobe! There are so many amazing carriers (ring slings, structured carriers like a Becco or Tula or Baby hawk) that make events like these hands free – and you can nurse in them super easily!
I did wear one part of the time! I have the Ergo360. Haven’t mastered nursing in it yet though!
I live an hour North of Columbus and our neighbors were at Comic Con! Wish I would’ve gone and I could’ve met you! 🙂 So glad that you guys had a great time!
Sorry to hear about the hospital. Hope all is well and you’re getting answers. Loved this workout! More please! Take care of yourself. You are in my thoughts and prayer.