Core Galore Workout: 16-Minutes-Full Length Workout

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Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you’re ready for a great Core Workout! Yesterday we did 20-Minute HIIT Boot Camp: Thigh & Belly Fat Burning Workout-No Equipment. Today we are focusing on strengthening the abdomen from every angle.

When working the core you want to strengthen all of the muscles of your abdomen and back. A strong core will assist you and protect you in all of your other workouts (from running, to lifting, and beyond). You core powers your movements, improves your balance, and protects your back from injury. Core strength also determines your pelvic alignment which impacts the biomechanics of your hips and knees.

Often people focus on completing crunches, which target only the anterior muscles of the abdomen and create muscular imbalances & tilting of the pelvis. When you are not optimizing your biomechanics you are putting increased pressure on your joints. Strengthening your core can improve and correct misalignment. This workout targets the core muscles from every angle to improve muscular balance and strength.

I am 33-Weeks Pregnant today, and I have been feeling so tired the last couple of days. I took a nearly two hour nap after work yesterday. I am having more trouble staying asleep at night, which is probably impacting my energy level during the day. I think my long nap helped yesterday, so I am planning on getting in a workout this evening.

I hope you all enjoy today’s workout!


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Set your Interval Timer for 16 10/50 Second Intervals

1. Frogger
2. Boat Heel Tap
3. Superman Heel Press
4. Knee Tap Plank
5. Leg/Hip Lift
6. Temple Tap Abs
7. Plank Leg Lift
8. Bicycle Abs
9. Bicycle Abs
10. Plank Leg Lift
11. Temple Tap Abs
12. Leg/Hip Lift
13. Knee Tap Plank
14. Superman Heel Press
15. Boat Heel Tap
16. Frogger

Repeat 1-3X




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