BodyRock Bootcamp | Melissa Bender | Week 1 Workout Schedule

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Hi Everyone!

This is Workout #1 of my 10 Week Workout Series with The video is posted below. 

For the next 10 weeks one workout per week will be released on Thursdays at and  

I have been getting a lot of questions about how often to do this workout, and if it should be paired with other workouts. 

I have created a weekly workout schedule with some of my existing workouts that incorporates this workout. You can also do it in addition to the new workouts that I will be posting this week or incorporate it into your normal schedule. 

Let me know what you think of the workout! I hope you all enjoy it! I am currently en-route to San Francisco. I will be filming new workouts while I am there!

Have fun!

Week 1 Workout Schedule

Day 1: BodyRock BootCamp: Week 1- Repeat 1-4X

Day 2: 20 Minute Core Cardio Fat Burn HIIT– Repeat 1-3X

Day 3: Lower Body Low Impact Workout: Quite, No Jumping – Repeat 1-4X

Day 4: Full Body Standing Dumbbell Workout– Repeat 1-3X

Day 5: 20 Minute Yoga Stretch & Strength and/or Stretches to Improve Flexibility for Splits

Day 6: BodyRock BootCamp: Week 1 – Repeat 1-4X

Day 7: Rest

***If you would like to incorporate running into this schedule you can add 20-30 minutes of running to any workout day. Be sure to listen to your body and rest/decrease the number of rounds as needed. 

Click the link to get your own Gymboss Interval Timer!

Set your Interval Timer for 12 Rounds of 10/50. 

25 thoughts on “BodyRock Bootcamp | Melissa Bender | Week 1 Workout Schedule

  1. Thank you for posting a week of workouts! These next 7 days are going to be busy busy busy for me and it’s nice to have a schedule of different workouts. Just one less thing I have to do. Awesome, thank you!

  2. Axel

    I got a little late to the challenge, but I will start it from the very beginning on Sunday! I know it will be fun because since I started following Melissa’s workouts I’ve enjoyed the a lot. She is so awesome!!!!

  3. Anonymous

    I’ve just started from Week 1! I’ve done several of your weekly workouts, just not in order. I love how you offer more of your workouts for a weekly schedule. Thanks a lot!

  4. Erica Robinson

    Do you have a equipment list for this schedule and the other weeks? I would like to be ready/ know in advance before I start this series. And can you give alternatives if we do not have certain pieces of equipment? Thank you!

    • benderfitness

      Absolutely. The workouts vary from no equipment to some equipment. You will definitely benefit from having dumbbells, a yoga mat, and a step/chair/or bench.

      In a few of the videos I also use a T-Bar (barbell), and a weighted vest. You can use dumbbells if you don’t have a barbell. If you don’t have the weighted vest skip it and focus on getting in max reps per exercise. For a couple of the videos I also use a dip stand, but you can use one or two chairs, or benches to complete the exercises. 🙂 There are always ways to modify if you don’t have the equipment at home. If you run across any other videos with equipment you aren’t sure about let me know.

    • benderfitness

      Each day has a different workout. Do the workout of the day and repeat that workout between 1-4X (based on your level of fitness, goals, and amount of time you have to get in your workout). 🙂

  5. hi melissa ive just completed your 4 week muscle building workouts along with running. i cant believe the change in my strength. im now starting tonight doing the 10 week bodyrock workouts i did 4 rounds tonight i just love it im super sweaty after all your workouts. i want to thank you so much for doing what you do YOU ARE MY ROLE MODEL

  6. Morgan


    Thank you so much for posting these free workouts! As a college student I can’t afford an expensive program or gym membership, but your videos are all I need to stay in great shape! In fact, I am in the best shape of my life thanks to you. I think it is beyond generous of you to provide these fantastic videos for free. I can’t thank you enough for your kindness and inspiration!

  7. Erin

    I’m starting your BodyRock workouts today. I’m 2 weeks postpartum with my second child and I’m excited to get back into my normal workout routine. I just completed 2 rounds of the first workout and it was great! I’m excited to rebuild my strength and stamina. Thank you so much!

  8. Shelley

    Thank you, Melissa! I love your workouts – perfect for my busy life! Now I have no excuses for getting a quick workout incorporated into my day. You are an inspiration!

  9. Angela Glass

    I am just starting out and saw this. I see there are 10 weeks of workouts. This is Week one, but where can I find the next 9 weeks? I went to the website but i can’t find these particular videos. Thanks!

  10. Justine

    I love these workouts. It was really nice to try some new moves that these videos have to offer. I really appreciate the countdown/timer (good with kids and timing naps/etc). I also love the variety. other workout programs i have completed always have complete this workout segment for week 1- then another video for week two… I found those to become cumbersome and not motivating as opposed to this program. THANK YOU!!!!!

  11. Rachel Gombos

    Oh wow! These 10 weeks is Just what I need. Finished day 1 workout and my lower body is protesting!! Thank you Melissa! I will definitely make gains now!

  12. Caarin

    I appreciate your workouts! I fell off the work out wagon and diving back into it and Day 1 is a burner! Getting back into the OCR game this fall and your workouts are exactly what I need, thank you!

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