30 Day Challenge: Day 24: 15 Minute Cardio HIIT

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Hi Everyone!

Today’s 30 Day Challenge Workout is a 15 Minute Cardio HIIT. I love these quick, intense workouts. I was dripping sweat by the end, and I knew I got in a great cardio workout. This style of workout will help improve your endurance, power and VO2 Max. It’s also a great fat burner. 
Bender Fitness’ first giveaway is happening now! Enter for your chance to win 1 of 5 Gymboss Interval Timers

The winner gets to pick the color of their choice. I have been loving my interval timer, so I am really excited to give you guys a chance to win one. 

You can enter HERE: Gymboss Interval Timer Giveaway!

I hope you enjoy tonight’s workout!

PS I love feedback on how the challenge is going for you so be sure to check in on FacebookInstagram or Twitter

Gymboss Interval Timer set for 15 rounds of 10/50

1. High Knees
2. Jump Squat
3. Mountain Climber
4. Ropeless Jump
5. Lunge Jump
6. Frogger
7. High Knees
8. Side Lunge Hop 
9. Russian Kicks
10. Ropeless Jump
11. Warrior 3 Hop
12. Pop-up
13. High Knees
14. V-Up Hop
15. Burpee

Repeat 1-3X

57 thoughts on “30 Day Challenge: Day 24: 15 Minute Cardio HIIT

  1. I love internal workouts because I don’t like to be bored! I love jumping from thing to thing. It gives me the best workout because I don’t slack from boredom 🙂 -Samantha

  2. Interval workouts are what gets my butt out of bed before a busy day of work and busy evening with kids. Your interval workouts captured my attention before Christmas (2013) and have got me pumped to check the site every morning and night to see what my next workout is going to look like. Not only have the workouts held my interest but the results I’m seeing are AMAZING! Thanks for your commitment to all us people who love to workout from home.

  3. I love interval workouts, because it’s a quick and effective way to get my workout in and burn a good amount of calories. I also love that you can adjust your rests periods, but I love a short rest for the extra burn!

  4. Interval workouts are awesome because they cause great calorie burn during and after the workout, they are fast, they get my heart rate up quickly, and most of all, they are SUPER FUN! Thanks Melissa!

  5. Danielle

    I love interval training because they are always different and each interval is short so I can push myself knowing the pain will be over soon!

  6. I always work up a good sweat with your workouts. Thank you so much for posting them and sharing with us, and for the chance to win an interval timer!

  7. Tovah

    I’m a morning workout person and don’t always have a lot of time, and yours were the first interval workouts i discovered almost 2 years ago. i’ve been hooked ever since! you’ve also inspired me to search for even more interval and HIIT workouts, and create my own, to increase my stash of workouts to choose from– keeping things varied means i’m always challenging myself! thank you!

  8. I appreciate that you take the time out of the day to keep your blog fresh and up-to-date. I’m usually an avid gym-goer, but recently, it’s been feeling like old news. I enjoy your home-workout training method and I feel like I’ve been getting greater, more realistic and transferable to day-to-day life results by exercising outside of the gym! Thanks, Melissa!

  9. Thanks for the inspiration, Melissa! I have been doing your workouts for about six months now and have definitely noticed a difference in my stamina and strength. I love your workouts because I get bored easily. You offer such a variety and make it easy to always get a workout in. Keep up the great work!

  10. Anonymous

    I love interval workouts because I get bored very easily with steady state work. I feel like I get an awesome workout in when I do interval style training!

  11. I love interval workouts. They are a great way to work the whole body, get your heart rate up and keep you moving. They are also great workouts for when you are short on time, but still want to get a good burn in.

  12. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE interval workouts. I’ve tried everything and interval workouts give me the most bang for the buck. I love your workouts because they’re always different. Keeps my muscles guessing. I can get more out of a short workout than I did in an hour doing other workouts I used to do before.

  13. I love interval work outs because I don’t always have time with two little kids to work out but yours are fast and great work out so I feel great after and am so glad that I do it.

  14. Christine Conibear

    I love interval workouts the best because you can really achieve a high level of fitness in short amount of time

  15. With three young kids, and a running workout most days, interval workouts like this are the only way I can imagine getting such awesome cross training done! Thanks!

  16. I discovered your free workouts towards the end of last year as I was looking for workouts that was challenging but doable and yours were some of the best so far. I’ve been following your workout since and I’m loving it! I love the fact that it’s short and I can incorporate it in my busy day. I love interval workouts because it’s quick, I can repeat it as much as I want or add in another interval from a different workout. I love the fact that you break it down so well for us to follow. Thank you!

  17. I absolutely love working out with equipment such as the Gymboss Interval Timer because it allows me to completely focus on the muscle group that I am working on, while that effective workout sensation.

  18. I love the variety of interval workouts, it allows to me to work harder since I don’t get too bored. Having a Gymboss timer would be great so I don’t have to worry about watching the clock while I work out.

  19. Cari Huisinga

    I love interval training, the workouts keep me from getting bored! The gymboss timer would be a great addition to my home gym!! Thank you Melissa

  20. I love interval training because with them u can reach the maximum burn in a short time as opposed to training for hours at your pace. I always push myself very hard within each interval, having timer I am more disciplined and take rest only when my 10 seconds is up. NO slacking in between. Last and not least I love the sweaty beast I am afterwards these interval workouts. Oh, and there is no better sound to my ear then the last beep, ding dong sound or her saying workout complete, I feel like I can conquer the world.

  21. Samuel

    love interval training because they are intense, fun and keep me focused, after I own the HIIT for my agility, strength and endurance.

  22. I actually prefer interval training because I can get my fitness on in a shorter amount of time so I can get to things I truly enjoy like eating!-:) Thank you so much Melissa!

  23. I love HiiT since it is quick and intense. I always feel strong and accomplished when done since some of your moves are amazingly different, effective and challenging to the max! Thank you for continuously sharing your passion for fitness with others.

  24. Internal training is my favorite when focusing on strenght training. I like to spend most of my time running when I exercise, however, I know I need strength training to remain injury free. Interval training has been effective in getting the job done. 🙂

  25. Vanessa Carona

    Interval training is a great way for me to fit in short but effective workouts when I get home from a 12-hour work day!! I have come to enjoy them even on my days off because they are so much more effective than spending an hour in the gym! 🙂

  26. I just recently started a boot-camp training and I’ve started to love HIIT training so much! This tool would really help me to keep doing them at home after I’m done with my training. Love your vids and workouts…keep them coming, Melissa! 😉

  27. Hi Melissa, my first comment didn’t post – so trying again. I’ve run marathons and an ultramarathon in the past – lots of LONG SLOW miles. Then I started working out with you a year and a half ago and am now in the best shape of my life. HIIT workouts are amazing because they’re fun, fast, and challenging! I’m focusing more on speed in my running these days too, and am using interval training. Thanks for sharing your videos, you’re such an inspiration to me! -Melissa J.

  28. I have been following you for a little over a year now. I really enjoy working out with you from day to day it keeps me motivated to stay in shape. Thank you very much for all that you do. x

  29. Iva

    This is the best fitness blog that I’ve ever been to! thank you so much for keeping it free! love how positive energetic and charismatic you are 🙂 Been a follower for quite a while and interval workouts are my favorite, adore the energy rush as well as truly great results in terms of endurance and overall fitness, hiit is definately the type of exercise that fits my body and personality best 🙂 keep up the great work! 😀

  30. I had to take a break of 3 days because I have some problems with a foot and I felt really frustrated. But now I feel better and I am getting ready for this workout! Wish me luck! 😀

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