Birthday Workout

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Hi Everyone,

This is my workout from last night. I was too tired to wait for it to upload so I am posting while I eat breakfast. Yesterday was my birthday, and it really made me think about how I want to stay just as healthy every year as I am now. If you want some inspiration for staying fit as you age look up Ernestine Shepherd. She is 75. 🙂 

To me exercise isn’t just something you do to look a certain way. It is a marker of your health and fitness. It’s a way to take control of your future and improve your chances of being healthy and happy. It’s a natural mood enhancer and energizer. 

So enjoy the workout, and keep up your dedication to staying fit and healthy. 

Have a great day,

PS Nadia asked on my facebook page if I had my cake and ate it too. I had some cherry pie and ice cream. It was delicious! We went out for Mexican food to celebrate. 

Beginner: 10 reps, 30 seconds timed
Intermediate: 15 reps, 45 seconds timed
Advanced: 20 reps, 60 seconds timed

1. Jumping Pushup
2. Forward Fold Leg Lift (right)
3. Forward Fold Leg LIft (left)
4. Mountain Climber (timed)
5. Forward Backward Lunge Hop (right)
6. Forward Backward Lunge Hop (left)
7. Burpee
8. Angel Abs
9. Chair to Chair II
10. Chair Taps

4 thoughts on “Birthday Workout

  1. Great workout, thanks, Melissa! Today was the first time I did not lose the balance, doing Angel Abs. Nice little achievement 🙂 The workout took me 21:52 (the advanced level, 122 Mountain Climbers, 124 Chair Taps).

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