Hello Everyone!
Welcome to today’s workout! For today’s workout you want to grab your dumbbells. One round of this workout will take 15-Minutes, but you can repeat it for a longer more intense workout.
I encourage you to challenge yourself with this workout. Push yourself during the workout, and focus on good form during each exercise. You will find the full length workout video and exercise breakdown below.
New Workouts
After work today, I’m planning on filming a new workout. I haven’t been as consistent with filming lately because I’ve been dealing with a combination of fatigue and busy-ness. However, one thing that I know to be true is that when I exercise I have more energy. So it’s very important to break the cycle of not working out because I’m tired. To get through this plateau, my focus is on quick workouts like this one. Remember, getting in some exercise is better than not getting in anything.

Sometimes, the most important thing to focus on is mindset. That’s a shift that I need right now. In addition to quick workouts, I am focusing on general activity. That means moving and walking more throughout the day and getting in 10,000+ steps.
Generally speaking you want to get in 7,000-12,000 steps per day. I’ve been working through some continuing education courses (and a new certification, but more on that later!) that review the impact of walking on health and cognition and it’s so fascinating. In my work with geriatrics I have long noticed a trend: those who are the healthiest physically and mentally walk every day. Every time I have a patient who is 100+ years old and doing well I ask them what they attribute their health to. The number one answer is always WALKING.
I love this for a number of reasons, but at the very top of the list is that walking is so accessible to most people.
Your health is worth the effort. By showing up here today you are doing something wonderful for your health and wellness. Keep moving, focus on growing stronger, and push yourself to make choices that support your health and longevity. Health impacts every moment of your day.
My goals this week:
-10,000+ steps per day.
-3 to 4 workouts filmed
-schedule blood work
My doctor wrote me an order for blood work to check out any possible causes of my fatigue, and my general health and I have been so busy that I haven’t scheduled it yet. Today I am going to setup my appointment and stop procrastinating. Remember, you have the power to take action and make changes in your life. Unless you put in the effort no change is going to happen. That spans exercise to wellness visits with your doctor and preventative checkups. Make time for your health.
Have fun with today’s workout and let me know how many rounds you got in!
Member’s Workouts: Brand New workout videos available to subscription members at: https://www.melissabenderfitness.com/pages/exploremelissabenderfitness
Amazon Affiliate Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/benderfitness A lot of my favorites are on sale, so be sure to check it out!
The Workout:
Equipment: Interval Timer set for 15 Rounds of 10/50, and two dumbbells.
This workout can also be repeated for Reps:
Beginner: 10 Reps
Intermediate: 15 Reps
Advanced: 20 Reps
- Burpee
- Reverse Lunge Lift-Right
- Reverse Lunge Lift-Left
- Table Lift-Right
- Table Lift-Left
- Burpee
- Knee Drop Plank
- Temple Tap Abs
- Plank Jack Pushup
- Heel Tap Abs
- Burpee
- Tricep Drop
- Bicep Curl
- Shoulder Press
- Reverse Plank
Repeat 1-4X