Hi Everyone!
I hope you’re ready to workout today! I have a fun workout on the agenda. It’s a 20-Minute HIIT Boot Camp with Jesse. Be prepared to sweat, and maybe even get in a few laughs. Jesse has great energy and a sense of humor.
Grab a chair, or a bench for this workout. If you don’t have one you can modify and do the exercises from the floor. You don’t need any other equipment during this workout. Of course, you can add weights or a weighted vest to increase the challenge. Be sure to warm-up before exercising. It will help prevent injury, and also maximize the benefits of your workout. Your warm-up should be enough to elevate your heart rate, and get your blood pumping. 5-10 minutes is generally a good warm-up time.
I am working on filming today. I was out of town for a long weekend trip for my family reunion, but I am back now, and ready to blog and share with you all! It was wonderful to spend time with 4 generations of my family. Having strong social and family connections is very beneficial to your health.
New Instagram: I created a secondary Instagram account: @Melissa_Bender_Life
I will still be posting on my @BenderFitness account. The new account includes more generalized posts. That means lots of baby photos, random occupational therapy tips, book reviews, fashion, and normal life experiences that aren’t necessarily related to fitness. I try to keep my BenderFitness account more streamlined.
Have fun with today’s workout! Let me know how you feel, if you need ideas for modifications, and how you are doing with the workouts. I love hearing from you! My baby is ready for play time so I have to run. I will talk to you all soon.
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
Click the link to –Buy a Gymboss now.!
Set Your Timer for 15 Rounds of 30/50.
*30 Seconds of Cardio Before Each Exercise.
- Squat Jump
- Single Leg Glute Bridge-Right
- Single Leg Glute Bridge-Left
- Lunge Hop-Right
- Lunge Hop-Left
- Plank Crunch
- Oblique Leg Adduction-Right
- Oblique Leg Adduction-Left
- Mountain Climbers
- Toe Touch Jump
- Tricep Dips
- Monkey Pushups
- Crab Toe Touch
- Decline Slow Mountain Climbers
- Burpees
Repeat 1-3X
Squat Jump: Part 1
Squat Jump: Part 2
Squat Jump: Part 3
Single Leg Glute Bridge (Floor Variation): Part 1
Single Leg Glute Bridge (Floor Variation): Part 2
Single Leg Glute Bridge Elevated
Lunge Hop: Part 1
Lunge Hop: Part 2
Plank Crunch: Part 1
Plank Crunch: Part 2
Oblique Leg Adduction: Part 1
Oblique Leg Adduction: Part 2
Mountain Climbers: Part 1
Toe Touch Jump: Part 1
Toe Touch Jump: Part 2
Toe Touch Jump: Part 3
Dips: Part 1
Dips: Part 2
Monkey Pushups (Down Dog Press): Part 1
Monkey Pushups (Down Dog Press): Part 2
Crab Toe Touch: Part 1
Crab Toe Touch: Part 2
Decline Slow Mountain Climber: Part 1
Decline Slow Mountain Climber: Part 2
Burpee: Part 1
Burpee: Part 2
Burpee: Part 3
Burpee: Part 4
Burpee: Part 5
High Knees
Love this workout!!!!
Great one!!! dripping wet and feeling great. Love that Jesse makes a guest appearance once in a while. He has great energy and very motivating . thanks as always. .
Great Workout! Thank you so much!
Great Job Jesse!!! Another good workout! Keep ’em coming!
Thanks for all you both do!!
Loved it! Jesse is like Energizer – his energy is amazing! My high knees were getting slower and slower, but he just kept going!
Great workout, thanks Jesse! You made me laugh and I love your enthusiasm. I like that you give a beginner and advanced for each exercise!
Great job, Jessie! I love when you do workouts. You are so motivating and fun!
Love your workouts! I found your site 3 years ago and really enjoy doing workouts that meet my current mood and fitness level. Thanks guys!
Needed this workout today! Thank you Jesse.