Hi Everyone!
Welcome to today’s workout combination. I have two workout videos, and the workout breakdowns, posted below.
The Workouts: The first workout is focused on the Lower Body. You can use dumbbells or a barbell for some added resistance. Don’t have equipment? Either grab something from around the house to add some weight, or do the exercises with body weight.
Don’t be afraid to modify the workout to suit the equipment you have at home. You don’t need to own a ton of expensive equipment to get in a great workout. In fact, 90% of my workouts are equipment free.
The second workout takes 15-minutes per round. It is a total body workout, with a focus on core and fat burning. Doing both routines together is going to give you a really efficient, full body workout. You will build lean muscle, boost your metabolism, and burn fat.

Shuttle to and from a 5K this weekend.
Filming New Workouts: Jesse and I have arranged babysitters twice this week so we can film new workouts. Between filming, writing, taking care of my son, working PRN in Occupational Therapy, and life in general I have really been struggling to get stuff done. We are working as a team to create a consistent schedule for my blogging, filming and writing.
We will be filming new workouts on Wednesday and Friday this week. You can expect to start seeing new workouts back in the rotation for next week.
Running/Race Update: Jesse and I ran in a 5K on Saturday. Jesse did his first race pushing Maverick in the stroller and still took first place in his age group. Maverick absolutely loved it. He was cheering and clapping for people during the race.
I didn’t have my best race. I started talking with another runner on the second mile and slowed way down. I have to admit that I enjoyed running this race more than usual, because I wasn’t pushing as hard. I love the challenge of a 5K, but I normally don’t like the distance because it hurts the entire time. That said, I want to get back into that “push” mindset and re-build my speed. This 5K was about 3 minutes slower than my average 5K pace.

My race results.
Up and Coming: I have a lot of topics that I want to write about. I know people want to see more food posts. I also want to write more about body image, health, and wellness. I am teaching a yoga course at Penn State Beaver in the fall, and as I prepare my syllabus and lesson plans I am reminded how much more there is to a healthy lifestyle than “just” exercise.
I have a list of topics that people expressed interest in, but if you have something you would like to see me write about please let me know in the comments below.
Have fun with today’s workouts!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
Intervals: 10 Rounds of 10/50
Level 1: 10 Reps
Level 2: 15 Reps
Level 3: 20 Reps
- Squat to Lunge
- Pendulum Squat-Right
- Pendulum Squat-Left
- Warrior Deadlift-Right
- Warrior Deadlift-Left
- Squat & Press
- Plie Squat with Tricep
- Lunge & Curl-Alternating
- Warrior Split Squat-Right
- Warrior Split Squat-Left
Repeat 1-3X
Interval Timer: 15 Rounds of 10/50
- Supergirl
- Lunge Jump
- Down Dog Leg Lift-Right
- Down Dog Leg Lift-Left
- Jump Squat
- Ab Pull/Decline Pushup or Frogger Pushup
- Jumping Jacks
- Reach Through Abs-Right
- Reach Through Abs-Left
- High Knees
- Pendulum Squat
- Plank Series
- Wood Chopper-Right
- Wood Chopper-Left
- Burpee
Repeat 1-3X
How to know if you are exercising too much to deal with life in general with work, children, family, etc.
Great workouts. New workouts are great, reposting old ones is great too! I just like coming here and having something to do every morning. No planning I just come do what you have posted. It takes the thinking process out.
Thanks sooo much. I would love a few more yoga workouts.
These 2 workouts were awesome….totally kicked my butt and got me sweating….along with our 65% dew point! Thanks again for posting your workouts on a daily basis! So grateful.
I would love to hear your labor and delivery story. If you haven’t written about it do you have any plans to do so?
Hi Melissa, I have found your workouts and accompanying blog posts to be extremely motivational and helpful. I had my first baby a few months before you birthed Maverick (what a cutie!) and it’s been great to be able to follow along with your fitness journey,
Love the variety and intensity!!!