Good Morning Everyone!
Today’s workout combination is a 5-Minute Arm Workout paired with a 15-Minute HIIT Full Body Workout. If you do one round of each your total workout time will be 20-Minutes today, but you can repeat each workout up to 3X to get in a total workout time of 60-Minutes.
I use a stability ball in the 15-Minute HIIT workout, but if you check the list and video I also provide body weight only alternate exercises for those of you that don’t have a stability ball.
I had a terrible bout with the Norovirus on Friday so I was out of the workout game this weekend. Jesse and I did a 3-mile walk outside yesterday, but that was the extent of what my body was up to. My focus this weekend has been on re-hydrating. Plus, my sister graduated from Pittsburgh University with Honors this weekend, so we were celebrating her accomplishments.

Baby Bender: 31.5 Weeks Pregnant
Sometimes, life happens and gets in the way of your best laid fitness plans. That’s okay. You deal with it, adjust as needed, and get right back into your schedule as quickly as you are able to.
I hope you all enjoy today’s workout combo!
PS You can find me on Instagram & Twitter: @BenderFitness and on Facebook:
Max reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds of rest between each exercise
1. Rolling Pushup
2. Warrior Row (right)
3. Down Dog Pushup
4. Warrior Row (left)
5. Tricep Dip
10/50 second intervals. 10 Seconds of Rest. 50 Seconds Max Reps.
1. High Knees
2. Elevated Leg Series (right)
3. Elevated Leg Series (left)
4. Dive Bombers
5. Angel Abs
6. Heel Tap Squats
7. Pendulum Squats
8. Walking Push Ups
9. Russian Kicks
10. Lunge Jump Kicks
11. Rolling Elbow Tap Plank
12. Heel Tap Abs
13. Burpee
14. Heel Tap Plank
15. Ball Pull or Frogger
Repeat 1-3X
Optional: Pair with 30 Minute of Cardio
Oh gosh. Poor thing. Hope your feeling better.
Just found this website. ..OMG!!!so excited to do all these workouts. .. thank you
I love your top in the 31.5 weeks pregnant photo! Where did you get it?
Awesome workouts!!!! The arm workout was killer and the full body HIIT was amazing! Just what I needed after a long day. Thank you and you are just so cute!!! Baby Bender will be here soon!!! Y’all are awesome parents!!! Congrats!