Hi Everyone!
It’s workout time! Today’s workout will take 20-Minutes Per Round, and will work your entire body. You don’t need any equipment. Push yourself to get in the maximum number of repetitions during each interval. Even during High Knees, push yourself. Toward the end of the workout I give the 5-second push countdown at the end of High Knees to encourage a little bit more oomph!
The more you put in, the more you will get out of the workout. I did this workout on Tuesday 2X through with my Boot Camp Class. I also posted today’s challenge move on my Instagram: @BenderFitness. I also included the video below, so scroll down past the workout breakdown and photos for today’s challenge move.
I am currently 23-Weeks Pregnant and I feel like my belly is getting bigger and rounder every day! Baby Bender is super active, and kicks/flips all the time. Some people have expressed concern for my workouts, but I self monitor throughout every exercise, and will modify as necessary. My doctor’s (with my practice I have 5 of them) are all aware of my workouts, and continue to approve and encourage me to continue my exercise program and running.

23-Weeks Pregnant
One exercise that a lot of women begin to have trouble with as their pregnancy progresses is Burpees. I purposefully slow way down on my burpees to ensure that I am maintaining core engage and good form. I filmed a quick Burpee Modification clip that is good for anyone (pregnant or otherwise) that is struggling with Burpees.
I hope you all enjoy the workout today! It felt great to get back on camera and share a new workout with you all!
Set Your Interval Timer for 15 Rounds of 30/50.
*30 Seconds of Cardio In Between Each Round
- Squat Jump
- Hip Press-Right
- Hip Press-Left
- Surrender Squat
- Warrior III-Right
- Warrior III-Left
- Surfer
- Supergirl
- Marching Glute Bridge
- Side Plank-Right
- Side Plank-Left
- Forward/Backward Lunge Hop-Right
- Forward/Backward Lunge Hop-Left
- Plie Pulse with Heel Lift
- Burpees
Repeat 1-3X

Squat Jump: Part 1

Squat Jump: Part 2

Hip Press: Part 1

Hip Press: Part 2

Surrender Squat: Part 1

Surrender Squat: Part 2

Surrender Squat: Part 3

Surrender Squat: Part 4

Surrender Squat: Part 5

Warrior III: Part 1

Warrior III: Part 2

Surfer: Part 1

Surfer: Part 3

Surfer: Part 4


Supergirl Modified

Marching Glute Bridge: Part 1

Marching Glute Bridge: Part 2

Side Plank

Forward Backward Lunge Hop: Part 1

Forward Backward Lunge Hop: Part 2

Forward Backward Lunge Hop: Part 3

Plie Pulse with Heel Lift: Part 1

Plie Pulse with Heel Lift: Part 2

Burpee: Part 1

Burpee: Part 2
You look incredible. Awesome workout, thank you for doing this, hope your cold goes away soon. Take care 🙂
I have modified burped so that I leave jumps off, and move legs to plank position one at a time. Same when getting up after pushup. And I also do push-ups knees on a floor. And I´n 20 weeks pregnant now.
Perfect! That’s a great modification!
Dear Melissa, Thank you again for the great workout!
In addition to my earlier comments/questions, I would like to add that I really appreciate that you share these workouts that one can do at home. I myself also believe that if one wants to, it is perfectly possible to keep fit by doing exercises at home, without having to go to/belong to a gym. Also I believe that, often when you are working long days it is quite easy to claim that one has not enough time for a workout, but (let’s just face it) you can always find time for a 10-20 min workout if you just are determined enough. And that is what I love about your workouts – you can fit them in, for an example, I can feel just “whacked out” after a long day of work, but when I think that, OK it just 10-20mins that’s not a lot, and I push myself to start, I find myself really rejuvenated after the 5-10 mins and I find myself doing (and wanting to do) even a longer workout that just 10mins. I’ll mostly do your workouts, so maybe your energy is also transmitted through your workouts! 🙂
In your latest video I saw that you had a row of kettle-bells at your home. So this is just an idea, but maybe you (or your husband) would at some time like to do a kettle-bell workout video (similarly as you once did a full 30min dumbbell workout video)..? But as I said this is just an idea and totally up to you. Thanks again for sharing your workouts and for your encouragement!
Absolutely! I have incorporated them into some past workouts, but it’s been a while! 🙂 Thank you for your sweet comments! I definitely agree with you that you can be fit just by working out at home, and it helps remove excuses and time constraints.
I have a lot of belly flab and love handles I’m little under five foot and weigh 115lbs. I have been trying to do HIIT, strength training, 3 times a week, hiit in the am and strength training after lunch and Pilates everyday, on the days that I don’t do HIIT and strength training I do cardio, abs and legs and Pilates. I’m wondering is this too much? I came across your website and I was wondering if I should do Just your work out videos or just add your video workouts to the things I’m already doing. For cardio I only do about 3miles. I’m just not sure if all this at once is too much. I’ve been working out since May 2015 and I haven’t seen any change. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I loved this one! You look amazing as always!