BodyRock BootCamp-Week 8

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Hi Everyone!

Can you believe it’s already Week 8 of my 10-Week Workout series? Just two more workouts to go! I am glad that you have all been enjoying the series. Jesse and I had a lot of fun in Toronto filming the workouts with the BodyRock team.

I have been posting recommended workout schedules to go with the BodyRock workouts. You can find them here: BodyRock Weekly Workout Schedules. Now that there are 8 videos, you can also choose to combine the individual workouts from this series as a stand alone schedule.

Have fun with this one! Push yourself through and challenge yourself to get in as many reps as possible (with good form!)


Set your Interval Timer for 9 Rounds of 30/50.

*Step Ups in Between Each Exercise: If you don’t have a Bosu use a chair, step or bench.

  1. Burpee
  2. Balanced Bicycle
  3. Knee Cross Plank to Side Plank-Right
  4. Knee Cross Plank to Side Plank-Left
  5. Angel Abs
  6. Plank Crunch
  7. V-Up Lateral Reach
  8. Pushup to Back Stretch (1/2 Wheel Pose)
  9. Walk the Plank

Repeat 1-4X

13 thoughts on “BodyRock BootCamp-Week 8

  1. Hi Melissa
    Been following you for awhile and i think you are great.
    I have a website for women in their menopause and have done an article about you. Would very much appreciate if you could contact me. Would like you to approve of the article and if I could have a photo to go with the article it would be great. Thanks.

  2. Hi Melissa. Thanks for sharing these great videos. Both your and Jesse’s workouts are awesome! I lover the diversity of the exercises you provide. Looking forward to the last two workouts.

  3. Jem

    Did this workout on Saturday, it was tough. I sweat more doing this workout than doing weights; cause it’s all body weight. I had a question for you Melissa. How can I get the definition you have in your arms and body by doing these workouts? I have been doing bodyrock for years and yes you do get more tone but the definition not so much. Do I have to do more cardio and weights in addition to these short workouts?

  4. Axel

    This workout was awesome!!! I did it twice plus added the FULL BODY SCULPT & SWEAT WORKOUT: BODY WEIGHT (PHOTO TUTORIAL) & HIIT VIDEO. I did the second one once in the morning and once in the afternoon just before the BodyRock routine.

    It’s really cool!

  5. Tasha

    Hi Melissa, I definitely underestimated how challenging this workout would be! I have a PhD in Sports Science and I am a qualified gym instructor/personal trainer but I have been following your site and doing your workouts for almost 3 years now. I have 2 young daughters and my husband leaves for work early in the morning so I am normally up before the sun before work to exercise in my darkened living room, and knowing I can just click on to your site and find so many different workouts to suit whatever mood I am in has been fantastic! My fitness levels are far beyond what they ever were before doing your workouts, this has become most evident when I run 2-3 times per week and I am stronger than I could ever imagine. So thank you, truly for what you do, you have most definitely inspired this Aussie mum!

    • benderfitness

      Thank you so much! 😀 I absolutely love what I do, and I appreciate you taking the time to comment. It’s very motivating to get such positive feedback. Have a great day!

  6. Karen

    Melissa, you (and Jesse) are a godsend. I gave up the gym when I lost my job late last year (have been an active goer for 11 years). I went through many free YouTube workouts before I found yours and I’ve stuck with you since December. I love how your routines are always challenging, well-balanced and uncomplicated. I can’t thank you enough for your kindness and inspiration. God bless you!

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