Tight Butt, Stomach and Arms Home Workout

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Hi Everyone! 

I got in my workout as soon as I got home from work tonight. I started out with a mile run on the treadmill to warm up, and start with some cardio. After that I went straight into the workout. 

I mentioned in the video that my web address is going to be changing to benderfitness.com 

Right now I have that address re-directing to this page, but get used to typing in the new address because it will be permanent. 

The workouts will all be the same, only my address is changing. 🙂 

Have a great night,

Beginner: 10 reps
Intermediate: 15 reps
Advanced: 20 reps

Warm-up: 1 mile or 10 minutes jump rope

1. Dive Bomber/Up-Down Dog
2. 1 Leg Bridge (right)
3. 1 Leg Bridge (left)
4. Side Plank Reach (right)
5. Side Plank Reach (left)
6. Jump Squat
7. Knee to Nose Plank (right)
8. Knee to Nose Plank (left)
9. Side to Side Squat
10. Superman
11. Bicycle
12. Ball Pull
13. Jump Rope (5-15 minutes)

2 thoughts on “Tight Butt, Stomach and Arms Home Workout

  1. Anonymous

    Hi my names maria. Im new to your site but i already love your workouts. Im a little confused on which is best for me. Im 23 years old and i had a baby 14 months ago. Before i got pregnant i was 106lbs at the end of my pregnancy before birth i was 142. Post birth i was 122 but i didnt listen to my DR. About watching what i eat for the first year and now im paying for it. Now i weight 140, im right back at my pre birth weight:/ . However, i dont want to go back to 106 i didnt like beung that small cause i wanted bigger legs and a bigger butt lol i at least want to get to 120 im 5’2 so im not really sure what weight is right for my height. Well pretty much i dont want to lose my legs or butt just tone but i do want to lose my stomach and arms, so my question is which of your workouts do you think would be best for me. Ill post a picture if its easier for you to determine whats best for me. I hope to hear from you soon please and thank you(:

    • Hi Maria,
      You can look up weight ranges based on your height and age to get an idea of where you should be. It’s not always about the scale anyway, have you seen the difference between 5 lbs of muscle and 5 lbs of fat? The biggest thing is being happy with your personal level of fitness. If you’d like to send me an email I can give you some information about a 24 day fitness challenge through AdvoCare. I’m actually about to start it myself, it’s a great way to push over a plateau and get in to shape no matter your fitness level. My email is NewStartWithAdvocare@yahoo.com and you can also follow us on instagram with that username. Melissa Bender is a great source for good workouts 🙂 Best of Luck on your fitness journey!

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