Hi Everyone!
It’s Day 6 of my 6-Week Workout Challenge! I have a great full body workout for you today! Each round will take 20-Minutes to complete. I paired this workout with a 3.1 Mile Walk outside with my son, sister, niece and nephew. I love going on family walks. It’s a great time to talk & enjoy each other’s company while getting in some exercise.
At the start of the video I demonstrate some variations for anyone who is not ready for high impact/plyometric movements. Listen to your body. If you just had a baby you might be experiencing some pelvic floor weakness-if that is the case do the low impact variations. You will still get in a great workout.
We had some technical difficulties, so the video below was my second round of the workout. We filmed the first round, but got an error message and found that the video didn’t save. Luckily Maverick was content (after a between rounds feeding) and we were able to film the video without any problems. I definitely felt the second round! It felt good to repeat the workout though. I am feeling stronger every day.
I can’t believe Maverick is already 7-weeks old. Time is flying! I took a picture the other day after I was jump roping, because he thought it was hilarious!
Maverick thinks it’s funny when I jump rope!
Here is the schedule so far this week:
Week 1 Workouts:
1. Lower Body Workout + 30-Minutes of Cardio
2. Core Sculpt Workout + Interval Cardio
3. 30-Minutes Moderate Intensity Cardio
4. Arms/Upper Body & Interval Cardio
5. Rest Day or Easy Cardio Day-(Optional: Long Run for Runners)
6. Full Body Workout + Walk
7. Rest Day
Today is also Day 5 of my DietBet challenge. If you are joining me for the weight loss challenge I want to hear how you are doing, and feeling. If you wanted to join the challenge, but haven’t yet, you can sign up until Monday September 5th. That said, if you want to do it I recommend signing up as early as possible so you have more time to achieve your goal (and win money for hitting your goal!) If you still want to check it out you can do that here: www.dietbet.com/BenderFitness.
We hope you enjoy today’s workout!
Melissa, Jesse & Maverick
He’s too cute. I just had to share this picture. <3 #ProudMama
Click the link to get your own Gymboss Interval Timer!
Set your Interval Timer for 15 rounds of 30/50 seconds.
- Burpee
- Spiderman Plank
- Lunge Kick-Right
- Lunge Kick-Left
- Mountain Climbers
- X-Jump
- Table Kick-Right
- Table Kick-Left
- Frogger
- Russian Kicks
- Lunge Jump
- Reverse Plank Leg Lift
- Pendulum Squat-Right
- Pendulum Squat-Left
- Jump Squat
Repeat 1-3X
Pair with a Walk or other Gentle Cardio of Choice.
Burpee: Part 1
Burpee: Part 2
Burpee: Part 3
Modification: Squeeze on Tip Toes
Spiderman Plank
Lunge Kick: Part 1
Lunge Kick: Part 2
Mountain Climbers: Part 1
Mountain Climbers: Part 2
X-Jump: Part 1
X-Jump: Part 2 Modificaiton
X-Jump: Part 2
Frogger: Part 1
Frogger: Part 2 (Modification)
Frogger: Part 2
Table Kick: Part 1
Table Kick: Part 2
Russian Kicks: Part 1
Russian Kicks: Part 2
Lunge Jump
Lunge Squeeze Alternating (Modification)
Reverse Plank Leg Lift
Pendulum Squat
Squat Jump: Part 1
Squat Jump: Part 2