Hi Everyone!
Welcome to today’s workout.
This workout is focused on the Lower Body. We are building strength, power, endurance, and the ability to complete explosive movements.
This interval workout combines weighted exercises to build strength and shape in the muscles of the lower body, with a powerful plyometric section to increase endurance, athleticism, and your body’s ability to perform powerful movement patterns.
Focus on form during each exercise, but challenge yourself to get in maximum repetitions. You are going to get in a fantastic burn, by pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to sweat, breath heavy, and push hard. You are training yourself to be physically and mentally stronger and to have more endurance.
If you prefer to complete this workout for Repetitions:
Level 1: 10 Reps
Level 2: 15 Reps
Level 3: 20 Reps
Sometimes, with weighted exercises I enjoy doing one round for time, and one round for reps. Both techniques are effective, and challenge your body in different ways.
If you hear baby cooing, or a rocking sound in the background of this video, it’s because my baby was asleep in her swing. She woke up while I was filming, and calmly let me finish my workout.
I can’t believe she is 4-months old already! I want both of my kids to grow up knowing that exercise is a normal, healthy part of life.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout! Let me know what you think.
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can keep bringing you new workouts, your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Equipment (Optional): Dumbbells
1. Squat
2. Curtsy Lunge: Right
3. Curtsy Lunge: Left
4. Warrior Deadlift: Right
5. Warrior Deadlift: Left
6. Jump Squat
7. Lunge to Knee Hop: Right
8. Lunge to Knee Hop: Left
9. Criss Cross Tuck
10. In/Out Squat Hop
11. Romanian Deadlift
12. Single Leg Squat: Right
13. Single Leg Squat: Left
14. Plié Sqaut
15. Calf Raise
Complete 1-3 Rounds