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15-Minute Total Body Home Workout-No Equipment

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Hi Everyone!

Welcome Back! It’s workout time again!

Today’s workout will take only 15-minutes per round. You don’t need any equipment to complete this workout program. Push yourself to get in as many reps as possible during each interval. Focus on maintaining good form, and moving through the full range of motion for each exercise.

Weight Loss Challenge: For those of you with weight loss goals: My new DietBet Challenge started on Wednesday May 17th. It’s not too late to join! If you want a chance to win money for losing weight sign up for the challenge. Everyone who loses 4% of their body weight over the course of 4 weeks will win a portion of the jackpot. You can sign up at

Please remember, fueling your body with highly nutritious foods will help you feel better and get results faster. Make sure that you are well hydrated. Your body will function best when you are eating a colorful diet with plenty of vegetables. The more colors on your plate the more nutritional variety you are consuming.

Spinach! Yum!

Lately my diet has been very carbohydrate heavy. I have been eating a lot of convienent foods (cereal, sandwiches, etc). I’m a big fan of complex carbs, but I also want to make sure that I am getting in enough vitamins and protein.

Spinach Salad with Grilled Chicken, Strawberries, Raspberries, Cashews and Feta.

Yesterday I went out to eat with my sister and a friend, and they had a beautiful Spinach Salad on the menu. It tasted so good! At the start of the year I eliminated cheese from my diet (I absolutely love it, but I am lactose intolerant), but I did have some feta on this salad. It didn’t seem to bother my stomach at all. Note: I am not a fan of dressing. I always order it on the side or skip it entirely. I prefer a very light drizzle if I use it at all.

With your diet, the most important thing is figuring out what works for your body. Everyone is different. Focus on eating healthy portion sizes, and remembering that food is fuel. Calories=Energy. If you cut that calorie reserve down too low your body needs to figure out how to conserve energy. This will lead to a sluggish metabolism. If you have a surplus of calories your body will store that energy for a rainy day. Body fat is stored energy. Find the balance of giving your body what it needs to function best.

Have fun with today’s workout! Let me know how you feel and what you think!

PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1

PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a babysitter (so we can film more often), new camera, new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: 


  1. Plank Crunch Burpee
  2. Leg Series Reach Through-Right
  3. Leg Series Reach Through-Left
  4. Shoulder Tap Push-ups
  5. Standing Side Taps (Half Moon)-Alternating
  6. Back Lift
  7. Burpee
  8. Leg Series-Right
  9. Leg Series-Left
  10. Ab Lift with Squeeze
  11. Warrior Lunge-Alternating
  12. Walking Pushups

Repeat 1-3X



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