Hi Everyone!
Are you ready to start the week off right? Can you make time today to do something great for your health? It’s workout time!
One round of today’s workout will only take 12-Minutes. If you have time you can repeat it, for a longer, more intense workout. You can also choose to pair it with another workout.
Baby & Kitty: Home Workouts Can be Interesting!
I did one round of this workout, and paired it with a nice long walk outside. The weather was unseasonably warm, so we took full advantage of it, and spent some time soaking up the sun. It isn’t often that we get a day like this in February!
Sunshine is such a wonderful gift. When I go outside into the sunshine it elevates my mood, and I feel so joyful. Plus, I love bringing Maverick outside to experience new sights and sounds. He is growing and hitting milestones faster than I could have ever imagined. I try to consistently provide him with new experiences and opportunities for learning, and he loves it.
Our friend Evan watched Maverick while we filmed today’s workout. Afterwards we went for a nice walk together.
It was a lot of fun filming! I have missed doing new workouts with you guys! We are putting a plan in place so that we can film more consistently. I thank you all for being patient as we learn how to navigate our filming schedule and our family life.
In other fitness related news, I decided to sign up for the Pittsburgh Half Marathon. I have officially registered, which means that I need to stay consistent with my training/running between now and May. If you are doing the Pittsburgh Half (or full!) let me know!
I would love to see your Check In training posts as we prep for the race together. It helps with consistency when you have a group of motivators (be that in person or online).
Have fun today! I will see you soon with a new workout!
Melissa, Jesse & Maverick
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1 If you want to see more baby photos of Maverick on Instagram: @MaverickBender
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
Buy a Gymboss now. Timer Set for 12 Rounds of 10/50.
Help BenderFitness: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
- Transverse Plank Reach
- High Knees
- Leg Thread
- Jump Squats
- Side Plank with Knee-Right
- High Knees
- Side Plank with Knee-Left
- Jump Squat
- Crab Knee Touch
- High Knees
- Tricep Leg Lifts
- Jump Squats
Repeat 1-3X
Transverse Plank Reach
High Knees
Leg Thread
Squat Jump: Part 1
Squat Jump: Part 2
Side Plank with Knee Rotation: Part 1
Side Plank with Knee Rotation: Part 2
Crab Knee Touch
Plank Leg Lift