Hi Everyone!
Welcome to the BenderFitness workout of the day! Today we are starting a brand new exercise program. I am hosting a DietBet (it’s not too late to sign up! It starts today!) and a February workout challenge.
Today’s workout is a Total Body Sculpt + Fat Burning Workout. Go for maximum repetitions. Don’t forget to maintain good form, but really push yourself. Be sure to warm-up before the workout so you can really go with maximum effort. Warming up actually allows you to work at a higher level during the workout.
When the New Year starts we are often raring to go with our resolutions and goals, but by February, much of the enthusiasm has worn off. We aren’t going to let that happen! As I always say, consistency is the key to results. So let’s stay consistent.
Sometimes being consistent means getting in your workout even when you aren’t feeling very motivated.
Today’s workout is only 12-Minutes per round. You can do just one round, or repeat it for a longer workout. You can also do a round or two and pair it with cardio of your choice. There are some cardio options with the weekly workout schedule. Remember, even when you aren’t feeling very motivated push yourself to stay consistent. Taking rest days is okay, quitting is not. If something gets you off track, jump right back in.
To go with this challenge I will be posting more diet and nutrition information. I recently started eating an Anti-Inflammatory Diet, and I have been thrilled with the results.
If you still want to join the DietBet for some motivation to lose weight (and win money for losing weight!) you can still join: www.dietbet.com/BenderFitness. There is over $5000 in the jackpot right now, and everyone who hits their weight loss goal will win a portion of the money.
Have fun with today’s workout! I am excited to share more new workout videos with you!
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
Get Your Own Interval Timer: Buy a Gymboss now.
Set Your Timer: 12 Rounds of 10/50.
- High Knees
- Wall Abs
- Tuck Jump
- Lunge Jump
- Skier
- Frogger
- Side Plank Knee Rotation-Right
- Side Plank Knee Rotation-Left
- High Knees
- Heel Tap Toe Reach
- Jump Squat
- V-Reach
Repeat 1-3X