Hi Everyone!
It’s workout time! This is a quick, 16-Minute workout that will get you sweating! I love these short, but intense workouts. It’s what I need to get in my exercise, while working on the blog from home and taking care of my son. That or a few more hours in the day.
I have been really struggling to get in my workouts lately, and it felt AMAZING to get in a great workout and sweat. My son was awake for the whole workout, but he just watched intently (with the occasional cheer thrown in for good measure).
I have also stayed on track with my meals, focusing on healthy proteins, veggies at every meal and getting in plenty of water. I am making Maverick’s baby food, so it’s a good reminder for me to meal prep for myself as well. When you are busy meal prep and easy access to healthy choices is imperative.
Let’s face it, if it was always easy to get in a workout and make healthy food choices, everyone would do it all the time. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it. Your health is worth it. After missing multiple workouts I realized how sluggish I was feeling. I was dragging, during my normal tasks, and feeling exhausted. Ironically, exercise gives you more energy. It sounds like it should be the opposite, but our bodies are designed to move. When we do things like exercise and eat well we are helping our bodies to function at their optimum level of health and fitness.
Keeping the baby warm on our walk.
It’s very hard for me to get in my cardio each day. I really miss running consistently. With the change to colder weather I worry about the baby outside. Sunday we had a warmer day, so I bundled Maverick up and took him for a walk outside. He enjoyed it and stayed warm, and it felt great to me to get moving.
As a new mom a lot of this is a learning process. It’s been one large life change after another & I put a lot of pressure on myself to get things done each day. As a work at home mom that means, blogging, setting up lighting/camera to film, filming, editing videos, social media posting, monitoring comments, deleting spam, replying to emails. As a stay at home mom that means taking care of my son, and managing the household. Being a mother (and a father too!) is a 24-hour per day job. It is the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced, but getting everything done is definitely a balancing act. Luckily Maverick is a very happy and well natured child. He watches me working out with interest, sleeps well at night, and doesn’t cry often.
Anyway, I hope that you enjoy today’s workout! Give yourself props for showing up and getting in your workout today. Sometimes just getting to that moment is an accomplishment in it’s self!
Have fun,
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
Set your interval timer for 12 Rounds of 30/60.
*30 Seconds Cardio of Choice between each exercise*
- Sumo Pushups
- Plie Jumps
- Rock the Boat Twist
- Frogger
- Leg Series-Right
- Leg Series-Left
- Surfer
- Side Plank Elbow Tap-Right
- Side Plank Elbow Tap-Left
- Heel Tap Squat Jump
- Pendulum Abs
- Donkey V-Kick
Repeat 1-3X
Maverick’s view of the workout.
Post workout!