Hi Everyone!
I hope you are ready for an AWESOME Total Body Workout! Today’s workout is a little bit longer, and it will give you a great full body burn. Be sure to warm up before the workout to maximize the intensity and results.
Can you believe that we are celebrating 5-Years of BenderFitness workouts?!? Over the past 5-years we have built such a strong fitness community. We have shared over 700 different workout videos here on our blog, and on our Youtube Channel. We have worked out with you through Graduate School, Fitness Competitions, Races, Working Full Time, my Pregnancy & the Birth of our Son, and most recently with my Postpartum Workout Journey.
Each and every one of you that joins us for a workout is part of Team Bender.
In a Facebook Live video I asked what we should do to celebrate 5-years of Fitness, and someone suggested that having Jesse and I on video together would be a great way to celebrate! We agreed!
It was definitely a team effort. My mom came over to watch Maverick, and our friend came over to man the camera. We made it to the last two minutes of the workout before Maverick decided that he was hungry so we had to stop filming briefly so I could feed him, and jump back into the end of the workout. It was so much fun though! I really enjoy working out with Jesse and all of you at the same time!
Maverick is a Happy Baby during Tummy Time!
I also want to feature some success stories from you guys as a way to celebrate 5-years of BenderFitness. If you want to share you photos/stories please e-mail me at FitnessBender@gmail.com with the topic BenderFitness Success Story. The truth is, without all of you, and the hard work you put in every day we wouldn’t be where we are today with this website. You keep us motivated to put in all of the hard work behind the scenes and in front of the camera.
Thank you to each and every one of you for working out with us! We are sending virtual hugs from our family to yours.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout!
Melissa, Jesse & Maverick
PS You can find me on Social Media: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness and Jesse is on Instagram: @BenderCrosby1
PPS If you want to help support BenderFitness so we can get a new camera & new equipment & make our site more sustainable your donation is greatly appreciated: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness.
Equipment: –Buy a Gymboss now. Set Your Interval Timer for 20 Rounds of 30/50.
Help BenderFitness: https://www.patreon.com/BenderFitness
1. Warrior Deadlift-Right
2. Warrior Deadlift-Left
3. Side Tap Leg Lift-Right
4. Side Tap Leg Lift-Left
5. Superman
6. Alternating Single Leg Pushups
7. Tricep Pushup-Right
8. Tricep Pushup-Left
9. Rotating Pushup Jack
10. Reverse Plank Leg Lift
11. Lunge Jump
12. Pendulum Squat
13. Runner’s Lunge Lift-Right
14. Runner’s Lunge Lift-Left
15. Squat Jump
16. Crunch & Tap
17. Knee Tap Plank
18. Side Plank Reach-Right
19. Side Plank Reach-Left
20. Angel Abs
Repeat 1-2X