Hi Everyone!
I have a fun and challenging Full Body Sculpt & Sweat Workout for you today! One round of this workout only takes 15-Minutes. You can repeat it for a longer/more intense workout.
We had technical difficulties with the original video so I re-filmed the workout after taking a Ballet class. I could definitely feel the challenge when we re-filmed this one!
The photo tutorial and video for todays workout is below. I included a breakdown for each exercise under the photo.
I hope you all enjoy this workout! I found it challenging and very effective! Pistol Squats are difficult, but they achieve more activation of the glute muscles than any other exercise. In the original video I complete a full round of Pistol Squats, but my legs were not up to it today! It’s worth building up to for the benefits. You can substitute Sit to Stands using a chair or use one of the other modifications I demonstrate in the video to build up to this exercise.
I hope you enjoy this workout! As always you can find me on Instagram & Twitter: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: @MelissaBenderFitness. Let me know what you think! Tag me in your photos! I love seeing you participating in the workouts.
Have fun today & keep making healthy choices!
Equipment: Gymboss Interval Timer set for 15 rounds of 10/50.
The photo tutorial and video for todays workout is below. I included a breakdown for each exercise under the photo. You have several options for how to complete this workout.
- HIIT: Set your interval timer for 15 Rounds of 10/50 and go for Maximum Repetitions
- Reps: Complete Reps for each Exercise (Beginner: 10 Reps, Intermediate: 15 Reps, Advanced: 20 Reps). ****Pistol Squats are very difficult-reps can be lowered to 2 for Beginners, 5 Intermediate, 10 Advanced. If completing the modification do full reps.
- Time: Set your timer for the desired workout time (15 minutes, 20 minutes, etc). Complete 10 Reps per exercise and get in as many rounds as you can during that time period.
- Jump Lunge
- Up/Down Dog-Dive Bomber
- Squatting Warrior III
- Pistol Squat-Right
- Pistol Squat-Left
- Jumping Pushups
- Side Plank Drop-Right
- Side Plank Drop-Left
- Hopping Lunges (Forward/Back)-Right
- Hopping Lunges (Forward/Back)-Left
- Full Boat/V-Up
- Scissor Abs
- Superman Lift
- Plank Walks
- Goddess Twist
Lunge Jump: Start in a Lunging Position. Jump up into the air, while switching your feet to land in a lunge with the opposite leg in front.
Low Impact Variation: Lunge, stand up with both feet together and squeeze your glutes, step back into a lunge with the other leg.
Dive Bomber: Part 1
Start in Plank and lift your hips into Down Dog Position. Focus on flattening your back and dropping your heels toward the ground as much as you are able to.
Dive Bomber: Part 2
Bend your elbows and bring your chest toward the ground, as you push your body forward toward your hands.
Dive Bomber: Part 3
Press the hips forward. Lift from your lower back, and com into Up Dog position.
Squatting Warrior III: Part 1
Start in chair pose with feet, ankles, knees and inner thighs squeezing together. Press the hips back as if you are sitting in a chair. Keep the chest lifted, and the gaze forward.
Squatting Warrior III: Part 2
Lift into Warrior III. Press your leg back, focusing on keeping the knee straight. Reach the arms forward.
Return to Chair pose and repeat the movement on the opposite side.
Pistol Squat:
Start in a standing position with one leg extended in front of your body. Press the hips backward and lower yourself as much as you are able. Press through the heel to return to standing. Complete all Reps on each leg.
Modification: Start sitting in a chair. With one leg extended in front of you press through your heel to stand. Keep the leg extended and slowly lower yourself to return to a seated position. Try not to use your hands.
Pistol Squat:
Repeat on the other side. Start in a standing position with one leg extended in front of your body. Press the hips backward and lower yourself as much as you are able. Press through the heel to return to standing. Complete all Reps on each leg.
Modification: Start sitting in a chair. With one leg extended in front of you press through your heel to stand. Keep the leg extended and slowly lower yourself to return to a seated position. Try not to use your hands.
Jumping Pushups: Part 2
Jump your feet to each side of the mat. When you return to center start over and complete a pushup.
Side Plank Hip Drop: Part 2
Drop your hips toward the ground. Immediately press back up to lift the hips high.
Hopping Lunges (Forward & Back): Part 2 Step forward, drive your back leg forward, and complete a small hop.
Hopping Lunges (Forward & Back): Part 3 After hopping, continue to bring that leg forward, into a lunge. Reverse the movement to return to start. Complete all reps on both sides of the body.
Full Boat/V-Up: Part 2 Use your core to lift your body and reach toward your toes. Return to starting position, using your core to lower your body to the ground. Modification, place both hands on the floor to assist with the movement, and/or bend your knees during the lift.
Scissor Abs: Hold the core tight. Lift the shoulder blades to engage the upper abdominals. Lift both legs slightly above the floor. Keep both legs reaching firmly, and alternate pulling them in as close to your chest as you are able. Modification: As you lift use your hands to gently pull your legs in toward your chest one at a time. Alternate legs.
Superman: Start in Prone position (facedown). Engage the core, lift your chest and legs, squeezing through your glutes. Allow your abdominals to stretch as you reach your arms and feet in opposite directions. Lower between each lift, and focus on holding the lift for 1-3 seconds.
Plank Walks: Start in plank position with your hands below your shoulders. Keeping the core strong slowly walk your arms forward as far as you are able. Return to starting position by walking your hands back to plank.
Goddess Twist: Start in Goddess Pose. Step feet more than hip distance apart with toes pointing out. Press the knees outward and lower into a squat (as close to parallel as you are able). Keep the tailbone tucked and glutes engaged. While maintaining this position, reach across your body, using the glutes to twist as your lower body maintains the squat position. Return to center and reach across to the opposite side.