Hi Everyone!
I have a brand new workout for you today! Today’s workout is a 20-Minute Per Round HIIT. This is a workout that Jesse and I did with our Boot Camp Class. During the class we do two rounds of the workout, plus a 10-Minute Warm Up and 10-Minute Cool Down.
You can do whatever fits your schedule, and go for one round, or repeat it up to 3X. I went through it once tonight. It felt great. I was sure to pace myself, and I still got in a good burn (150 Calories in 20-Minutes). I mention at the end of the video, when I go full out during my 20-Minute workouts I typically burn between 200-240 Calories per round. Your effort level will definitely impact your burn.
19 weeks & 4 days pregnant! In the last photo I am doing a transverse core hold (think of it as using your core muscles to hug & support your baby from every angle). This move helps prevent (and heal!) abdominal separation-diastasis recti.
I will be 20-Weeks Pregnant in just one day! Half way through! People are very interested in the core exercises I am doing. The one core specific exercise I do daily is a transverse core hold. You can see in the last photo above that I am pulling in my core to support the baby. This is a great exercise for strengthening your core, which will help ease labor, ease back pain, and decrease your chances of developing Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation). It does not hurt the baby at all, and it is great for your core. I am still approved by my doctor for all ab exercises (including ones where I lay on my back) until I am 5 Months pregnant. That said, I incorporate core moves into my full body workouts, but I have not done any core specific workouts.
I hope you enjoy today’s workout! Be sure to push yourself! I provide low impact variations for each exercise in the video. Choose whichever option is right for you!
We have our Anatomy Scan Ultrasound on Wednesday & I can’t wait to see Baby Bender. We are going to find out the gender of our baby this weekend with our families (unless baby is shy).
Have fun with the workout,
Set Your Interval Timer for 15 Rounds of 30/50.
*30-Seconds Cardio of Choice Between Each Exercise-High Knees, Burpees or Jump Rope.*
- Walk the Plank
- Side Plank Reach-Right
- Side Plank Reach-Left
- Heel Tap Plank
- Knee Cross Plank
- Squat Jump
- Lunge Jump
- X-Jump
- Pendulum Squat Jump
- Plie Jump
- Tricep Pushup-Right
- Tricep Pushup-Left
- Reverse Plank Leg Lift
- Spiderman Plank or Pushup
- Leg Lift Pushup
Repeat 1-3X
Optional: Pair with 30-Minutes Cardio of Choice.
Walk the Plank: Part 1
Walk the Plank: Part 2
Side Plank Reach: Part 1
Side Plank Reach: Part 2
Heel Tap Plank
Knee Cross Plank
Squat Jump: Part 1
Squat Jump: Part 2
Lunge Jump: Part 1
Lunge Jump: Part 2
X-Jump: Part 1
X-Jump: Part 2
Pendulum Squat Jump: Part 1
Pendulum Squat Jump: Part 2
Pendulum Squat Jump: Part 3
Plie Jump: Part 1
Plie Jump: Part 2
Tricep Pushup
Reverse Plank Leg Lift: Part 1
Reverse Plank Leg Lift: Part 2
Spiderman Plank
Leg Lift Pushup: Part 1
Leg Lift Pushup: Part 2