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Day 29: Cardio and Core/Plank and Burn

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Hi Everyone!

Welcome to 30 Day Challenge Day 29! Today got a bit wonky so I didn’t get to film as planned. I had a great core workout planned (which you will see soon). Even though I didn’t get to film the new workout I am sharing one of my favorites: Plank and Burn!

I was able to get in a 4 mile run and some archery today so I stayed active. I also posted a list of 15 ideas for Active Rest Days. 

In this workout, I alternated jump roping with 15 different plank variations to work the entire mid-section and back. Being able to do the plank with proper form results in more than just stronger abs, it also improves the strength and resilience of your low back. This helps prevent injury, and relieve low back pain. 

If you aren’t sure if you have proper form ask someone, look at yourself in a mirror or have someone take your picture while you hold plank. 

Although this is an incredibly effective exercise, it is often performed inaccurately. 

During Leg Lift Plank don’t allow the back to arch.
Maintain a strong core throughout the movement to support the low back
and activate the glutes. 

I hope you all enjoy this workout. Remember, if you don’t have a jump rope you can substitute high knees or mountain climbers in between planks. 

Have fun!

PS I am seeing a lot of requests for another challenge! What type of challenge would you like to see?

*Plank 50 seconds per exercise, Jump Rope 30 seconds between each exercise. 
The entire routine takes 20 minutes. 

1. Forearm Plank
-Jump Rope
2. Right Side Plank
-Jump Rope
3. Left Side Plank
-Jump Rope
4. Chatarunga Plank
-Jump Rope
5. Rotating Plank (on the forearm)
-Jump Rope
6. Knee Drop Plank
-Jump Rope
7. Plank Jack
-Jump Rope
8. Elbow Tap Plank (right)
-Jump Rope
9. Elbow Tap Plank (left)
-Jump Rope
10. Leg Lift Plank
-Jump Rope
11. Plank Crunch
-Jump Rope
12. Side Plank Hip Lift (right)
-Jump Rope
13. Walk the Plank 
-Jump Rope
14. Side Plank Hip Lift (left)
-Jump Rope
15. Plank Step
-Jump Rope
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