Hi Everyone,
The Unofficial results are in for Fitness Magazine‘s “Face of Fitness” contest, and I am number one!!!! They still have to validate all of the votes, to make it official. Hopefully that happens soon!
I have been really amazed by the amount of support I received for my entry into this contest. That has been absolutely heart warming, and brought tears to my eyes more than once. When I saw people sharing, and commenting every day to tell me that they were voting the feeling it gave me was indescribable.
So thank you to all of my family and friends, to the members of the Freedom Cross Country Team (and their amazing families!!!), to everyone on Facebook who shared the link and urged others to vote, to the amazingly supportive community on MyFitnessPal and every one else who supported me in this.
I said in my video yesterday, while I was still in second place, that I already felt like a winner just because of the support I received and that remains true whether I am the Unofficial or Official winner.
The stories of so many of the women in the contest were amazing and inspiring. Stories of struggle, success, motivation, and life long fitness. They all inspired me to keep doing what I’m doing, the same way you all inspire me day after day.
If I am declared the Official Winner of this week’s Reader’s Choice award, it makes me the Reader’s Choice semi-finalist for this week. That means I am eligible to compete for a spot in the finals, from which the editors will select a winner. It also means I win a gift certificate. 😀
Regardless of the eventual outcome, this contest has shown me how blessed I am to have this kind of support. I am filled with joy over the response I have gotten. So thank you all a million times over. Let’s all keep influencing the world to live a fit, happy and healthy life. I will see you later today with a brand new workout!
Thank you!
Thanks, Support, and Fitness Magazine