15-Minute Interval Fat Burn: Home Workout

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Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you’re ready for a quick, but challenging Interval Fat Burn Workout! This workout combines repetitions with cardio bursts. I use a kettle bell for a few moves, but you can use dumbbells or your own body weight if you don’t have equipment handy.

You can repeat this workout, or pair it with another workout to make it longer and amp up the burn.

full fifteen minute workout 015

The workouts I posted for this week are: 

Workout 1: 20-Minute Plyometric Pilates Fitness Fusion: BenderFitness & Sean Vigue Fitness

Workout 2: Lean Lower Body: Dumbbell Home Workout

Workout 3: 20-Minute HIIT Boot Camp: Thigh & Belly Fat Burning Workout: No Equipment

Workout 4: Core Galore Workout: 16-Minutes-Full Length Workout

Workout 5: Standing Tummy & Thigh Workout: 10 Minutes Per Round

Workout 6: That’s today!

Remember, you can always adjust the schedule to fit your rest days. The most important thing is being consistent with your workouts, and that happens best when you prioritize it in your own lifestyle.

I will be posting another pregnancy update this weekend, so be sure to check back later if you want to see how I am doing at 33+ weeks pregnant. In the mean time I hope you enjoy today’s workout!


PS You can find me on Instagram & Twitter: @BenderFitness and on Facebook: www.facebook.com/MelissaBenderFitness. Sadly my Facebook posts are being shown to barely anyone due to changes in facebook’s policy’s and advertising program. They want me to pay $1000s of dollars just to show my posts to people who have already liked my page. Running a free website doesn’t allow me to do that, so please click to subscribe to notifications on my Facebook page if you want the fastest updates. 

Beginner: 10 reps, 30 seconds timed
Intermediate: 15 reps, 45 seconds
Advanced: 20 Reps, 60 seconds

1. Plank Pull (I used a 15 lb Kettlebell)
2. High Knees or Jump Rope (timed)
3. Crossed Table Right
4. Crossed Table Left
5. Sideways Jump (timed)
6. Standing Heel Press Right
7. Standing Heel Press Left
8. Forward/Backward Jump
9. Boat Pulse
10. High Knees or Jump Rope (timed)

Repeat 1-3X

*My second time through I substituted jump roping for all of the timed exercises. I did 150 jumps each time, and it took me about 1 minute, 10 seconds each time. I counted jumps instead of going by time to make up for any times when I stepped on the rope. 🙂

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