Full Body Bender Home Workout

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Hi Everyone!

I have slacked off with working out this weekend. The stress of worrying about my nephew being in the NICU, and starting a new job a few weeks ago, has left me feeling 100% exhausted and worn out. I decided to take the weekend off of filming new workouts and blogging, and give myself some time to just relax and recuperate.

Dax is still in the NICU, but he is getting a little bit better every day. This week I plan on getting back on track with my workouts too.

I did some quick exercises just to keep my body moving, and get something in. Even though I was taking the weekend off, I feel better when I keep myself moving. You can check out my quick workout in the photo below.


Below I posted a link to a Full Body Bender Boot Camp Home Workout. When I filmed this workout I was super consistent with both my workouts and my running. I really want to get that consistency back into my routine. It seems like there have been a lot of challenges in my way lately. It’s time to re-focus. I can feel the differences in my energy, strength and endurance, and I want to get all of those things back on track.

I hope you all enjoy this workout.

All Levels: Max reps during each interval. (60 seconds, 30 second Burpees)


Beginner: 10 reps, 5 Burpees
Intermediate: 15 reps, 8 Burpees
Advanced: 20 reps, 10 Burpees

1. High Knees
2. Burpee
3. Plank Jack
4. Burpee
5. Temple Tap
6. Burpee
7. Windshield Wiper Plank
8. Burpee
9. Ab Extension Pulse
10. Burpee
11. Warrior 3 Hop
12. Burpee
13. 1 Leg Hip Thrust (right)
14. Burpee
15. 1 Leg Hip Thrust (left)
16. Burpee

Repeat 1-3X

Plank Jack: In a forearm plank position jump your feet out as you would in a jumping jack. Jump them back together. That is one rep.
Temple Tap Abs: Lay on the floor, lift your legs, and shoulder blades off the floor, hands at prayer position at your chest. Reach your elbow toward the top corner of the mat, following with your eyes. Bring your hands to center, and then repeat the motion to the left for one rep. Shoulder blades and legs stay lifted throughout.
Windshield Wiper Plank: In a plank position step your foot out to the left, and then return it to central starting position. Repeat on the other side for one rep.
Ab Extension Pulse: Legs and shoulder blades lift off the floor. Low back stays on the ground and arms extend over your head. Lightly pulse, keeping the movements of your legs and upper body small. Your abs should be pulled in throughout the exercise.
One Leg Hip Thrust (part 1): Plant left heel on the floor with your knee bent at a 90 degree angle. Arms extend, fingers point toward your toes. Keep your right leg extended and foot flexed.
One Leg Hip Thrust (part 2): Pushing through your planted heel and both arms press your hips toward the ceiling until your body forms a straight line from shoulder to knee. Press your heel toward the ceiling. The focus is on the movement of the hips. The leg will follow. Repeat this on the other side.
Warrior 3 Hop: During Warrior III Pose the standing leg is slightly bent, back is flat, and your body hinges at the hips. Reach your arms and leg back behind you. Bring both feet together, hop into the air, and then perform this movement on the other side.
Burpee: When jumping push up through the heels to spring toward the ceiling.
Burpee: Jump up and reach as high as you can each and every time.

7 thoughts on “Full Body Bender Home Workout

  1. First off I continue to pray for your little nephew and that he gets stronger with each passing day and strength and faith with the entire family. Secondly. we all have times in our lives where we are doing through difficult times and our training and possibly our diets are off and with your focuss and determination Melissa u just get back on track so quickly and that continues to motivate us! Xo

  2. I’m going to have to take a rest day today because I’ve come down with a vicious cold. My life hasn’t been easy this year either… I haven’t had any income in 7 months, after paying for a cross country move. So I can relate!

    My thoughts & prayers are with you & your nephew. And thank you for your dedication & free workouts.

  3. Kathy

    Hi Melissa, thank you for being honest with everyone. I feel you! I’m a personal trainer and trying to find time to get a workout in for me is hard. I was doing amazing for awhile then realized I was over doing it and not seeing a difference so I cut back. So now I need to get in some kind of routine for myself within the crazy schedule of life with two young kidos…. I love your programs!!! Keep it up your amazing and look amazing!

  4. Dearest Melissa…. many thought goes to your nephew Dax. Don’t make excuses with the videos. We all understand how exhausting that must be for you, so we just choose between all your other workouts that are so good. I think this one is brutal…. and Melissa I must say…. you are a machine. Sometimes when I workout with you, I have to have breaks in between, and you just keep going. I’m amazed by your stamina and will power. WOW. Will power must run in the family… Dax seems to have that too….. Lots of love and best wishes his way 🙂 Thank you for all your dedication and smiley face. Love to workout with you.
    Love from Denmark

  5. Marybeth Van Es

    Just Love you two!!!! Jessie is so Funny!!!! “Nice to know you are mortal like the rest of us”!!! Awesome. I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say he warships you!!!! As do all you followers!!!!

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